r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/nautius_maximus1 3d ago

I’m with Jon Stewart. This cannot be real. How has it come to this. Neither of these bastards should be allowed to drive a fucking car, much less control the nukes.

Yes, I’ll vote for Biden but please give me another option.


u/baconwagoneer 3d ago

Biden should be replaced soon. It’s now a question of whether Gavin is VP or POTUS.


u/chopcult3003 3d ago

Just two months ago if you commented anything about Biden being weak, old, or basically just anything besides him being amazing (despite his crazy low approval ratings), everyone would jump on you and say you’re a Trumper or whatever.

Now after one debate Reddit has completely switched its tune.

This place is completely disconnected from reality. Biden has been old, feeble, and has had plenty of footage of weird ramblings and shit for a long time now. Jon Stewart has always seemed like the one mainstream media guy who will actually tell shit like it is instead of blindly protect his party. Which is why I respect him.


u/Sickpup831 3d ago

Yeah but but…he ate an ice cream cone. With sunglasses on. While grinning! Dark Brandon, amiright??