r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/SamaireB 4d ago

Remember 2016. Believe nothing any press says. Go vote blue.


u/Rifneno 3d ago

Remember 2000, too. I remember the media saying there was a good chance Gore would win the electoral vote while Dubbya would get the popular vote. Became a whole "well... this is ironic..." thing right after the election, but has been somewhat forgotten in the intervening years.


u/Gasnia 3d ago

We also used to think Dubbya was a dumb/bad guy. Oh boy, were we not prepared.


u/Rifneno 3d ago

He WAS. The fact that there's someone far stupider and far more nakedly evil doesn't mean Dubbya wasn't awful. He handwaved terror intel where a competent president might've been able to prevent 9/11, and then he started a goddamn war with lies to get some revenge for his dad.


u/jennyisnuts 3d ago

Imagine the world we might have lived in if W was just left to be a coked up, drunk, dumb party boy.


u/redeemer4 3d ago

90 percent chance that Gore would have gone into Afghanistan and Iraq too. Remember most Democrats supported that war when it first started.


u/sirsmitty12 3d ago

Only one US representative opposed military involvement in 2001. Like a 99.9% chance we’d still be involved if the same circumstances arose with Gore. 


u/DrummingChopsticks 3d ago

The fact that he’s enjoying his retirement doing shitty water colors pisses me off