r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/rayon875 4d ago

I already knew Biden was old and Trump lies nonstop. The debate didn't change my mind.


u/band-of-horses 3d ago

Don't forget, Trump is also old.


u/AlbionGarwulf 3d ago

But he aced a beautiful cognitive test with flying colors. We should be proud of him for this.


u/Kerensky97 3d ago

Trump's old AND he's a liar.

That stole US state secrets. Weird that that's been forgotten, we used to give people the electric chair for that.


u/rayon875 3d ago

Yes he definitely is


u/8_Alex_0 3d ago

Biden is older


u/BeastofBurden 3d ago

Vegetables over fascists


u/Syraxx 3d ago

Debating which pile of shit stinks worse isn’t the gotcha you intended


u/LIBERT4D 3d ago

Do you want to step on a mushy but firm log or in a puddle of diarrhea? Cast your vote now for your preferred way to step in shit


u/rayon875 3d ago

3 years


u/MinimalSleeves 3d ago

That's true, but Trump has the advantage of only saying crazy things. His tone and facial expressions have always been a bit odd/crazy, so they don't stand out so much as deteriorating with his age.


u/Overlord_Khufren 3d ago

Carter is the oldest living President at nearly 100 years old. However, after him Biden and Trump are #s 2 and 3. That means both are older than Clinton, who hasn't been president for 24 years.


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely 3d ago

Also, while we're keeping details in mind, the "poll" this headline is referencing is a sample group of 12 Latinos.


u/SoManyLilBitches 3d ago

Yes, but if you knew nothing about either guy, and you watch the debate, you're telling me you'd think they are the same age? Biden is so slow, Reddit is just EXTREMELY liberal and think Biden is their guy.


u/band-of-horses 3d ago

I can't imagine not knowing anything about either guy at this point, but after watching both for a few years all I can say is that they both are old as fuck and have trouble stringing coherent sentences together. For some reason though Trump gets a pass because his incoherent babble is "forceful".


u/SoManyLilBitches 3d ago

I hate Trump just as much as the rest of Reddit. But I’m not gonna sit here and say they seem equally old. Democrats are just asking to lose this election. Trump is either hated or loved, i see why the republicans nominate him. Biden’s term sucked for most people, he seems like he’s confused and ready to be in a nursing home. All democrats need to do, is choose ANYONE, 25-30 years young than Biden, who seems to have their head on straight, and they get the vote. Nominating Biden is risky IMO.

Edit: and it’s really not hard to imagine like you know nothing about them… put your biases aside and just watch ANY clip of them talking during the debate. I don’t care if Trump is rambling on about nonsense, at least he’s talking and doesn’t seem like he’s gonna have a medical emergency at any moment. Biden is like a half notch better than Motch McConnell, just staring off into space 75% of the time.


u/No-Salamander-3905 3d ago

And Biden is still clearly the better choice. That’s how bad this all is


u/SoManyLilBitches 3d ago

But what I'm saying is... the past 4 years haven't been spectacular for you average person. At least with Trump, your paychecks were higher. Now people are gonna choose between more of the same, or back to Trump. Literally ANYONE besides Biden would be an easy win IMO.... You automatically get the Trump hater votes, then the people on the fence who voted Biden but aren't happy about the outcome get to gamble on a totally new person.


u/Distinct_Shift_3359 3d ago

Biden also lied to be fair. I’m Finn annoy everyone by saying that but it is true.


u/ibreakforturtles2 3d ago

Don’t forget, Biden also lies.


u/hoxxxxx 3d ago

i watched some clips and holy shit, biden was awful. so about what i'd expect for an 80-something-year-old man that works all the time. i know old people, they have their good days and their bad and it was way past his bedtime.

doesn't change shit for me tho, if there was another option i would gladly vote for them but it's either biden, trump, or the guy with a brainworm. so biden/harris has my vote.


u/LIBERT4D 3d ago

Honestly since the day Trump started getting involved I’m amazed “undecided voters” still exist.


u/Downeralexandra 3d ago

Yeah I don’t know why even do the debate. No one is going to change their minds at this point, and undecided voters are prob even more confused


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Trump's a pdf, like hell am I about to vote for a fuckin pedo.


u/monsieur_mungo 3d ago

What do these dipshit NYT journalists expect? A song and dance number? Or his age to reverse? He’s an old ass dude but he has exceedingly proven himself over the last four years.


u/Elsecaller_17-5 3d ago

It change my mind, but it did change my attitude. I was genuinely happy to vote for him 2020. This year it will be "I guess he's still better than Trump."


u/homeownur 3d ago

A few months ago he was 81, yesterday he was 96.


u/Rhawk187 3d ago

Yes, my vote is really going to come down to who they pick for their VPs; I really don't see either of them making it through their terms.


u/magikarp2122 3d ago

That is a horrible way to look at it. The choice should come down to do you like living in a free country vs do you want to live in a theocratic dictatorship. Republican Project 2025 for if Trump wins.


u/hiccup-maxxing 3d ago

Nobody thought it would. It changed the mind of all the normies who thought his brain wasn’t tapioca tho


u/Testynut 3d ago

And Biden doesn’t lie? Ok 👌🏻


u/MICT3361 3d ago

Does the democrats lying for 4 years about Biden’s cognitive state not count as lying?


u/needtoshave 3d ago

I’ll take mental decline with moral compass over mental acuity and no moral compass.

A sitting president can rely on a trusty cabinet and advisors even if the bulb is dimming. Poor morals but better mental acuity just means that the president can fulfill their immoral agenda more efficiently.

This aggression will not stand, man.


u/MICT3361 3d ago

You’re ignoring the lying part


u/needtoshave 3d ago

Being a poor debater is not the same as being having poor cognitive abilities. Trump has much better charisma and it showed at the debate but he lied through his teeth.


u/MICT3361 3d ago

How delusional are you? He’s mumbling and incoherent. HE HAS DEMENTIA. Even your own party is pivoting. But you’re still buying the LIE


u/needtoshave 3d ago

Incorrect, I’m not buying anything. I would choose a cucumber and a good cabinet over Trump.

We deserve better choices than Biden and Trump.

Sounds like you are waiting until someone replied to you so you could form some sort of argument against Biden. Go out and vote this year and we’ll see then. Trump wont’t win, even against Biden. What will that say about Trump, he can’t even beat a man with “dementia”.

The American voters were fooled the first time when he beat Clinton. They won’t be fooled or apathetic again.


u/MICT3361 3d ago

Expect a message in a few months.

But you’re right about us deserving better then this. They’re both shit.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/Icy-Bicycle-Crab 3d ago

Glitch McConnell. 

Both Biden and Trump are too old. 

One of them is too old and an irrational lying narcissist. The other is too old and capable of delegating. 


u/Icy-Bicycle-Crab 3d ago

No, a bad debate performance is just a bad debate performance. 

I'll take that over Trump the lying rapist and convicted felon who put himself before America when lying about losing the election in 2020. 


u/MICT3361 3d ago

Mumbling and being incoherent isn’t a bad performance…. It’s delusional