r/halo 15h ago

Discussion Hot take: I like infinite more than any other Halo


I wanted to share my experience and thoughts on why Halo Infinite has become my favorite game in the Halo series, even though I've dedicated almost 300 hours to the Halo Master Chief Collection (MCC).

I've spent countless hours in MCC, enjoying the classic Halo experience across different games. My favorite titles within MCC are Halo 2 Classic and Halo Combat Evolved, but I've found it incredibly difficult to find matches for these games. Most matches on MCC tend to be for Halo Reach and Halo 3, which is great, but it means I rarely get to play my preferred games.

In contrast, Halo Infinite has provided a much more seamless and enjoyable experience for me. Here are some reasons why:

  1. More Fun and Diverse Game Modes: Infinite offers a variety of game modes that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Whether I'm in the mood for some quick action or a strategic battle, there's always something fun to play.

  2. Better Matchmaking Times: One of the biggest advantages of Infinite is the significantly reduced match-finding time. Unlike MCC, where I often struggle to find matches for certain games, Infinite's matchmaking is quick and efficient, allowing me to jump into games almost immediately.

  3. Higher Kill Rates: I find that I get the most kills in Halo Infinite compared to any other Halo game. I'm not sure why this is the case—maybe it's the gameplay mechanics or the flow of the matches—but it makes the game even more enjoyable for me.

Despite my love for Halo Infinite, I do sometimes wonder if something is wrong with my playstyle since I only seem to excel in this game. For reference, I am a PC gamer, and I have not tried Halo 5 yet, although it looks really fun from what I've seen.

I’d love to hear from others who have had similar experiences or insights. Is there something specific about Infinite that makes it more enjoyable for you? Or any tips on finding matches in MCC for Halo 2 Classic and Combat Evolved?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to your thoughts!

r/halo 23h ago

Discussion Why does 5 and infinite get so much hate


Been playing since CE originally released. I’ve slowly been replaying the series. I don’t think I’ve done a start to finish play through since about the release. Halo 2 anniversary was pretty awesome. I’d love a halo 3 remake. I’ve just started infinite again, finished 5 yesterday. I enjoyed then hell out of 5 and am loving infinite this time around. I see so much distaste for them scrolling through these forums, I don’t play much multiplayer anymore, just throughly enjoying the campaigns

r/halo 7h ago

Help - MCC Is the MCC able to go above 60fps on the Steam Deck OLED?


Im in the process of buying a Steam Deck right now, and Im curious because I cant find any videos of someone testing this. Does MCC go up to the full 90Hz that the OLED's screen allows for? The only video I can find showing gameplay on the OLED is locked to 60

r/halo 15h ago

Help - Infinite Why is it so hard to move from Plat to Diamond??


I have gotten to the point that I was 2 points away from diamond 1 and all of the sudden, I lose 3 games in a row. I have my buddies play with me that were at the time, Diamond 5, Diamond 3, Diamond 1, and me Plat 6. While the other team would be an ONYX 1500, Diamond 4, Diamond 3, and a Diamond 3. TELL ME HOW THAT WAS A FAIR MATCH UP!!! My buddy said that I am rank locked in plat. If rank lock is an actual thing, WHY IS IT A THING??? I outplay Diamonds!!!

r/halo 11h ago

Discussion Halo Multiplayer


Hi! m25 here in Seattle. I’m looking for people who want to play Halo online with me thru Xbox. My gamertag is RainbowFlyer874 . Please add me or drop your gamertag so I can add you.

r/halo 12h ago

Discussion If they are going to bring Halo to Playstation they should just re-release the MCC.


It’s been almost ten years since MCC was released and I think it’s time for an upgrade. It would be the perfect way to introduce Halo to people on Playstation, especially those who have never had an opportunity to try the classic Bungie games. They should also do a re-release for the Xbox and make it cross play. This would give it a massive new pool of players and revitalize the game’s population. They should aim to keep the games almost 1:1 to their originals with slight quality of life changes and some technical upgrades. Some examples would be fixing the jump delay in CE and fixing shot registration accrosss the board. I think the gameplay holds up well enough that with some slight upgrades the population would remain healthy for a long time. Imagine you’re primarily a PlayStation user and your first experience with Halo 3 multiplayer is the same game it was back in 2007 that people still love and play today except you’re playing at 60fps with a 90fov and all your shots are actually registering. I feel the game should also have a limited playlist selection to keep the population from spreading too thin. Have one ranked list for all the games and one quick play and one BTB list with match composer to select what games you want. Possibly a rotating list as well for things like infection. Definitely need a customs browser day one as well. They should also have a progression system with exp where you can unlock all the old customization items just by playing. They could then add a shop with new cosmetics to purchase. I think with all this a re-release of the MCC on playstation and Xbox would actually do very well. So, what are your thoughts? Do you think if Microsoft is going to bring Halo to the PlayStation they should go all out on a full remake of one game or just give them the MCC with minor updates? If you’d prefer MCC what ideas would you have to make it a better experience for new and returning players?

r/halo 19h ago

Discussion Is Halo 5 PC Forge MP still alive?


I'm just asking to see if it's worth downloading and re-experiencing the multiplayer. I know miniblitz does occasional Halo 5 mp matches and some game modes are more full than others but other than that is it still alive?

r/halo 4h ago

Discussion Not too impressed with 343


So I have an issue purchasing one of the new bundles because I have one of the items they threw in there. I filled out a bug ticket and they pretty much disregarded my explanation of the bug and told me just buy them individually. Which is more expensive. Judging by their response they are too interested in fixing this bug. It’s a shame too, I was willing to rip myself off buying the 3 items for 1000 for those shoulders and helmet. Anyone else have this issue? I can’t be the only one.

r/halo 1h ago

Fan Content The final armor versions of my Spartan OCs-Spartan Team Taupe-descriptions in comments


r/halo 20h ago

Discussion What was the best live action adaptation of Halo?


Obviously the Paramount series has some... qualms.

But what about Halo: Nightfall, or Forward Unto Dawn? Or the ODST stuff that was scrapped?

What do you think?

r/halo 20h ago

News Halo 5: Guardians is officially dieing


I tried to play it again (EU) and no one is playing it, so it's officially (EU) dead

r/halo 18h ago

Discussion Spartan IIIs are not "fodder", stop saying this, I'm tired of this...


I really hate it when I always get the same argument about how they were "cheap" and "expandable" soldiers to just make an excuse of saying Spartan IIIs were inferior.

Ghost of Onyx made it clearly and confirmed itself that IIIs have more technologically advanced and have better training than IIs had.

Even The Prologue of Halo Ghosts of Onyx said this: (10-12 years old years, armoured in SPI moved with speed and reflexes that no Covenant could follow. Even more crazy.

Gamma, one of the deadliest company of IIIs compared to Alpha and Beta.

UNSC NEED large groups of Spartans to do high risk missions in Covenant territory to slow down their advance.

Most of IIIs died off because of SP1 and deadiler mission that IIs cannot possibly survive.

I had argued with some fans who think IIIs is the "weakest" Spartan Program or think IVs were better than IIIs in "every way" (Depends on the situation, if IVs wore mjonir armor that put them to be part with IIs then yes, they can beat IIIs who wore SP1 but it is IVs and IIIs without their armor, IIIs whooped.)

Like seriously- Please read the Ghost of Onyx or either way, listen to fans who actually Ghost of Onyx explained the lores to you,

You could easily known Spartan IIIs were one of the best soldiers, rival and successor to IIs.

r/halo 21h ago

Discussion wtf is this zesty ass pose-

Post image

r/halo 10h ago

Discussion What about...playable Forerunner Soldiers?


I'd love to have Playable Élites back in the next installment of the series, but what about Forerunner Soldiers?

r/halo 7h ago

Discussion Follow up on why I got wrongfully suspended today

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To follow up why I got wrongfully suspended after a match today, I was playing and a player on my team is seen hacking in the game. This player by the end of the game had 87 kills and the game lasted around few minutes since other teammates were upset along with myself. I reported the hacker and when the game finally ended I was suspended.

r/halo 11h ago

Help - Infinite Can't Launch Halo Infinite because of Easy Anti-Cheat


I'm trying to launch halo infinite through the xbox pc app, but i keep getting this error from easy anti-cheat. please help

text says \"Unrecognized game client, Cannot continue.\"

r/halo 21h ago

Gameplay Secret mission


So odd questions, but i remember many many years ago when i would play halo, in the setting menu on the main screen there was a video you could watch of a mission in a halo game, yet i can’t remember if it was on halo 1 or 2, and i dont own the games to look. The missions started out at a base camp with many wounded marines, does anyone know what I’m talking about? I wanna rewatch that mission badly

r/halo 23h ago

Discussion Anyone notice halotracker incorrectly labeling Sentry BTB matches as losses/wins? Does the fact that the score is starting at a set number and going DOWN to 0 affect how it picks up the end match results?


Really annoying. I wanted to see how I was doing overall on the first dozen or so matches I played and half are incorrectly labelled a win or loss when they should be the opposite.

r/halo 8h ago

Discussion Halo 5 > Infinite


I am confused. I just finished Halo 5 and it doesn’t explain the beginning of infinite. Am I missing a game? No banished, no defeat of the Chief. I feel like I missed a game.

r/halo 17h ago

Discussion Did i just match up with a 343 employee?

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r/halo 15h ago

Gameplay So close to a shutout

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r/halo 8h ago

Discussion Is anyone else TERRIFIED of the Flood Carriers?


I can’t exactly remember which mission they were first introduced but back when I played it for the first time, I literally shouted: “What the fuck is that thing”.

And I almost had a heart attack several times while playing Floodgate on Halo 3.

r/halo 10h ago

Discussion Animated camos


Why doesn't 343 have these in the game? I might actually lean into buying from the store if it did.

For reference, this is what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/UjQGfrC3jnY?si=Z67W3RQcAjKFK8tG#t=8m24s

r/halo 7h ago

Discussion I wouldn't mind seeing a different approach to the Halo games.


Doesn't have to be the mainline line series and I'm not trying to impose on what Halo 7 is going to be. I'm just having a thought.

I think having Halo in a 3rd person perspective would be awesome. I personally am a fan of that style like GOW, H Zero, Dark Souls, HD2, and etc. I would love to see MY spartan doing kickass things. It doesn't have to be my spartan could be a standard character or HIM, but it would be a nice breath fresh of air to try something different. I mean halo wars was a success.

r/halo 13h ago

Discussion Anyone been getting tie games constantly in the new Sentry Defense Playlist?


As the subject states. Been playing matches all morning and half of them end in ties instantly. Is this happening on a wider scale and beyond this playlist?