r/foshelter May 06 '24

Discussion Do you guys think buying 40 lunchboxes is worth it? I'm super tempted

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r/foshelter 26d ago

Discussion What do you think he’s saying to them?

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r/foshelter May 31 '24

Discussion How do you repair snip snip

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r/foshelter May 27 '24

Discussion When did/do you call it quits on your vault?


I've been enjoying playing this game a lot over the last month, I got into it on a flight, and have been enjoying checking in on my vault once or twice a day, and steadily built up a large and productive vault.

For reasons I can't totally explain, I started losing interest when I realised the vault had a cap of 200 dwellers. I got to 170, then built up the accommodation to house more and saw it stopped at 200. That ceiling on the game really bothered me for some reason.

It's essentially an open ended sandbox, when is the end of the game for you?

r/foshelter 13d ago

Discussion How do you get the new stuff?


New update says it adds Norm, Chet and Moldaver, plus Moldaver’s outfit and the BOS assault rifle.

For the previous TV show update there was a dedicated quest line to unlock all the content. How does it work now?

Norm just showed right up at the Vault Door after a prompt. But there’s no quest for Chet and Moldaver - will they also just show up over the next couple of days? Or did they just put them in rotation for random events and lunchboxes like the other legendary dwellers?

There’s no more info in the patch notes. If there was more info on the prompt to get Norm, I think I accidentally clicked off it before I read anything else. Am I missing something?

r/foshelter Apr 23 '24

Discussion How do you rate my vault?

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r/foshelter May 25 '24

Discussion [QUESTION] How do you manage inventory ?


i'm at 60 dwellers and after like 3 weeks of playing, finally, everyday i'm getting new maxed special dweller ready to go in the wasteland and be "E15" so soon i'm going to be able to have like 20 dwellers outside all the time to find me some rare and legendary junk/recipes

problem is i already can't manage the inventory, almost half of my vault is filled with warehouses, i'm at 2100 of 2200 space, because i keep recycling common weapons and skins

for every common junk i have at least 150 copies, but very few weapons and skins actually, so i'm wondering how do you manage your inventory ?


r/foshelter May 29 '24

Discussion what do you guys think i should adjust about my vault?

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r/foshelter May 02 '24

Discussion How bad do you wanna exile this stupid face

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r/foshelter 2d ago

Discussion What do you think of my base, is there anything else to do?


111 dwellers

r/foshelter 28d ago

Discussion What do you guys think?


r/foshelter May 17 '24

Discussion Not enough end-game stuff to spend caps on. We need a real update.


u/Bethesda please give us end-game things to purchase with bottle caps that would make reaching the end-game fun. I always have 999,999 caps and nothing to do with it.

r/foshelter 13d ago

Discussion do you get cap bonus for leveling in the wasteland


self explanatory title, but i cant find any info on it anywhere. you get caps when dwellers level in the vault, but do dwellers collect caps for leveling in the wasteland too?

r/foshelter Apr 19 '24

Discussion When you do a quest- do you explore every room?


After finishing a quest objective should I click on every room until the map is fully explored? Just want to check if I'm possibly leaving really valuable loot on the table by not going into every dark room- it mostly seems like common junk.

r/foshelter May 21 '24

Discussion Question. How do you expand

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How do you combine 3 power rooms I built one next to it and it doesn’t connect do I need to upgrade the one first?

r/foshelter Jun 05 '24

Discussion Do you gain anything from putting dwellers in depots/warehouses?


It says endurance people are good in them, but is there actually any benefit to putting people in there besides for when raids happen?

r/foshelter May 03 '24

Discussion [discussion] I can't buy mr handys from the store


I bought mr handys for my First vault and my new second vault but I didn't find good endurance gear so I've been restarting it and finally found blue wasteland gear. I've been using the time cheat on my android phone and now I can't buy anything from the store and it says check your connection. I've moved the date to now, changing the date a week before like another post, restarting my phone, and trying wifi but nothing works. I can see ads so that connection is fine and I have unlimited data.

r/foshelter May 23 '24

Discussion What do you guys think ? am i building rooms like that right or wrong ?


r/foshelter 27d ago

Discussion How do you assign outfits early game?


Little more complicated than that I guess but

When you’re assigning outfits, do you boost the stats of low SPECIAL dwellers, or boost high SPECIAL dwellers?

Like would you put an accountants outfit on a P5 dweller or a P3 dweller, for example?

r/foshelter Jun 03 '24

Discussion Tip: How do you like my system of Naming.

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How to control family related?

1.Let them married like monogamy. The male add Mr. as prefix. No spacebar. The female add Ms. as prefix. No spacebar. Pick one last name from either of the couple and rename one of them to be the same as the other. This way when they have kid you know exactly what the last name be. No need to rename the kid.

2.All kid stay virgin a whole repiod that you that you have E3 outfit.

3.Try to match as much as different family name. And have breed at lease one boy and one girl. You can have more.

  1. When the first generation of parent have enough kid. You add prefix Sr to the front as SrMr. or SrMs. Make them senior. This way when you over populated you how who will be expel.

  2. The early kid that not train E10+3 before Lv1-50, you give Sr. too.

  3. One you obtain E5, you add prefix 3 to the kid the train with E3. So you know who will later get expel next after all Senior is gone.

  4. After you get E5, you may choose a kid from each family to get married by add Mr. and Ms. Also add SrMr. SrMs. to all parent. Only one kid from each family will be married so chose one last name. Other kid stay single. Add number 3 as prefix for those single kids as it later be expelled.

  5. If some kid is training at lv1, no need to give prefix 3 to these kid. They can use E5 and won’t be expelled soon.

  6. Repeat again once you have E7

  7. Expel priority are Sr —> 3 —> 5

Easy enough? Give me like if you like this idea.

r/foshelter May 21 '24

Discussion Discussion, maxed out dwellers and daily objectives


One of my daily objectives is to perform 19 critical hits and I'll get a lunch box. I just completed the daily quest with my three maxed out dwellers who are equipped with dragons maws. I could only achieve a few critical hits because of the fact that they are maxed out and killed their opponents quickly.

r/foshelter Feb 06 '24

Discussion What weapon and armor combos do you use for the three man teams used for questing?


r/foshelter Jun 01 '24

Discussion What do you guys think of my vault?


Most of my dwellers are lvl 50 or close to 50. and i have several sets of power armors and fat man’s/ mirvs. no dragons maw yet sadly😭

r/foshelter May 24 '24

Discussion Do you need to have both parents level 50 for a chance at legendary babies?


asking cause i have one level 50 and the other one level 46, read the FAQ but no mention of level.

r/foshelter Apr 26 '24

Discussion [Discussion] I don't really watch shows but how is the fallout show? Is it worth watching?