r/fo3 2d ago

Is Moira really hated? (Poll included)

I don't really engage with the fallout "community" at all. While replaying fo3 for the first time in a while, I decided to look up if choosing the snarky responses for her quest would make her upset and if so is there a way around it. Doing this I found all sorts of comments about how she's the worst character! Looking up videos about her ghoulification, everyone in the comments seem to share the sentiment that they wish it killed her! Is she really that hated? I absolutely adore her and have always considered her one of the best characters in the game. I just assumed that would have been everyone else's sentiment as well because her being loveable seems obvious to me. I'm not surprised to find out that different opinions exist, because duh, but is wanting her dead really the majority opinion?


9 comments sorted by


u/PuzzleheadedYak567 2d ago

How are those hot little potatoes?!


u/TheCrowsNestTV Vertibird Joyrider 2d ago

Moira is a cinnamon roll that must be protected at all costs.


u/Mommawolfkin 2d ago

Yes πŸ™Œ


u/AdhesivenessUsed9956 2d ago

You are missing a button. "I downloaded a mod that let me marry Moira!"


u/Shiny_Mewtwo 2d ago

Holy shit. Bless our holy modders


u/bobbafettuccini 2d ago

β€œI don’t really engage with the fallout community at all.”

You still have a chance to turn back


u/KaydenIsTheGoat 2d ago

Most Bethesda NPCs are usually pretty void of personality, but Moira has a very strong personality that is easy to remember. So I like her for that. I also enjoy killing her sometimes though


u/eulen-spiegel 1d ago edited 1d ago

Is she really that hated?

She's a treasure. I was relieved that the sarcasm wasn't targeted at her (mostly) and I would've even liked that she'd be involved in more quests. She's one of the NPCs which triggers my character's urge to protect the communities she encounters and makes her an angry angel of death if pointed at any threat to these.


u/HotPotato5121 12h ago

I love her minus her quest line, it just drags on and on imo