r/fo3 3d ago

This is grim

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61 comments sorted by


u/sad_wolf1984 3d ago

And still not the worst thing that you find in the wastelands...


u/ElegantEchoes Tunnel Snakes Rule! 2d ago

Not when Centaurs exist.


u/Responsible-Baker-94 2d ago

Why do you have to remind me of those cursed things


u/Fickle_Competition33 2d ago

Yeah, don't enter the elementary school taken by the Mutants.


u/Rudetd 20h ago

Orphenage i think.


u/504_BadGateway 1d ago

The mutants aren't in the elementary school that's Raiders


u/Fickle_Competition33 13h ago

Argh! Even worse...


u/Repulsive-Self1531 3d ago

Live laugh toaster bath


u/AKStorm49 3d ago

Beat me to it dammit.


u/NinjaSushi420 2d ago

That's funny


u/Ok-Iron8811 3d ago

I found one in Fo4 yesterday, but it also had a fork in the toaster, in the bathtub with a skeleton


u/leighabbr 3d ago

They doubled down


u/OriginalNord 3d ago

Will he be ok ?


u/RIPBenTramer 3d ago

A stimpak will help.


u/Adagio_Bulky 3d ago



u/Tiny_Tim1956 2d ago

I feel like after fallout 3 the quality of these "environmental storytelling" elements really fell off, or at least their originality did. Fallout 3 was satire but it was bleak. The world seemed like an insane place. By fallout 4, the world seems fine pre bombs and the satire has no teeth, all the edge is gone. So when you find all these skeletons it feels meaningless, like they were making dungeons and they were like let's add some skeletons in funny poses but without any real meaning. In Fallout 3 you really go "damn, this person killed themselves, everything is fucked". The skeletons weren't there for the sake of being there.


u/Wolvesinthestreet 2d ago

In FO4 it’s more like “Haha a skeleton watching TV with two teddy bears” 🧸


u/ElegantEchoes Tunnel Snakes Rule! 2d ago

I don't agree with that in the slightest. 4 felt even more attentive, and had no shortage of depressing as hell environmental storytelling. I'd argue to a generally larger degree than 3, due to its sheer density. New Vegas has some, but is probably the weakest of the 3D games in that regard.

And of course, 76 takes the lead in environmental storytelling, no real surprise there.


u/NinjaSushi420 2d ago

No, he's completely right. You can go into that stupid diner in Fallout 4 and for some reason that kid is wearing a letterman jacket 200 years after the bombs fell and his mom that runs the shop still hasn't removed a skeleton from one of the booths. Are you really telling me you're going to run a diner 200 years later and you haven't removed the skeleton from one of the booths? Also, everything looks far too pristine to be 200 years after the bombs fell. No one cleaned up in 200 years? Nothing rotted away? Storms and scavengers didn't loot everything that wasn't tied down yet? People just walking over skeletons like it's a lawn ornament?

Fallout 4 is like some idiot that loves to shop at Spirit of Halloween or one of these other Halloween shops and then was in charge of placing "spooky skeletons" all over the map. It's really cheesy.


u/ElegantEchoes Tunnel Snakes Rule! 2d ago

I mean, yeah? There's plenty of examples like that. Just like there are plenty in Fallout 3 as well? That's not really a point that proves me wrong lol.

I have played these games enough to know where Fallout 4 stands in relation to 3. It doesn't look like you have played 4 enough to speak with confidence regarding it, and you're repeating what you've heard from others.

If you have an issue with Fallout 4 for being that way, you also have an issue with Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 76 for being that way. End of story.


u/traumadog001 3d ago

The inspiration for that scene in vault 32?


u/ElegantEchoes Tunnel Snakes Rule! 2d ago

This isn't specifically, no. This is a common depiction of suicide. It's more than likely just referencing this common depiction rather than specifically this bit of minor environmental storytelling.

This also isn't the only time this occurs, the suicide bathtub.


u/Appropriate_Cold1559 2d ago

Death by fan in the groin in Fallout 3 is nightmare material


u/RIPBenTramer 2d ago

Wait, what? Where is that one?


u/Appropriate_Cold1559 2d ago

I found in the game last year but didnt print... luckly someone had posted


u/RIPBenTramer 2d ago

Whoa. That's pretty gruesome and pretty awesome!


u/BipolarBugg 2d ago

I love fallout.


u/thereisnospoon-1312 3d ago

You've never made toast in the tub?


u/CsaTheRobot 3d ago

Time of Death: Before the Bombs. Cause of Death: Electric Shock by Toaster. Ether Thrown in (Aka Murder) or Suicide. Name: Unknown


u/TerminalKitty 3d ago

The one that stuck with me is in FNV and it's the skeleton in the bath with a ton of med-x or psycho


u/Next-Yogurt5675 2d ago

I'm pretty sure there is a couple of them, as well as a couple proper corpses with empty syringes around them


u/NinjaSushi420 2d ago

I just saw that yesterday in my game. Lol I thought it was funny and clever in a dark way. The humor fits Fallout like a glove.


u/EthericalArtworks 3d ago

Live Laugh Toaster Bath?


u/Past-Adhesiveness150 1d ago

Every skeleton has a story if you look for it. So many people poisoned themselves, their families, od'd in bathroom stalls. Those are the lucky ones.

Many others get captured & tortured by raiders or flayed alive & left in the sun, or torn apart & eaten alive by mutants.

This is not a game for children or faint of heart.


u/molinana 1d ago

Yeah the other day I stumbled upon a skeleton with a pistol in hand and a bunch of ammo scattered around… and that was an area infested with super mutants. Made me feel so bad for that person


u/Bulky_Coconut_8867 3d ago

Damn no one told him the radio won't work if submerged underground


u/NinjaSushi420 2d ago

It's a toaster.


u/Bulky_Coconut_8867 2d ago

Looks like a radio to me


u/Fickle_Competition33 2d ago

The HUD literally says "toaster"


u/Bulky_Coconut_8867 2d ago

Must be a bug , lots of those in bathesda games


u/Fickle_Competition33 1d ago

We're doing forensics of a game death scene. Enough Reddit for today 😁


u/triqkii 3d ago

There's a lot of these in fallout 3. Some are families that all overdosed while others just straight up put bullets in their heads


u/Successful-Floor-738 2d ago

Kinda funny ngl


u/ThespisIronicus 2d ago

Hi Grim! 👋🏻


u/AquaArcher273 2d ago

Just a guy taking a bath with his favorite toaster what’s grim about that?


u/Bad-E90 2d ago

That's pretty mild actually


u/PerfectlyCalmDude 2d ago

Yes! Flee before my terrible power!


u/TrooperGage11 2d ago

It says take toaster 💀


u/SuperStellarSwing 2d ago

Hi grim🕺


u/Hot-Category2986 2d ago

Once you start seeing the darkness, you can't unsee it. They are all dark. All of them.


u/Kev_The_Goat 2d ago

Nobody tell OP about that bus in Zion.


u/Man_200m_Wheezer 14h ago



u/jasonbooth71 3h ago

Grim, maybe, relatable, totally. 🤭


u/Imaginary_Slip742 3d ago

No that’s funny


u/No_Lynx_4470 3d ago

That's the point.


u/RIPBenTramer 3d ago

Thank you, doctor.


u/NOWAY7337 2d ago

They have it in every fallout


u/NinjaSushi420 2d ago

It's not the same after 3.


u/Taolan13 3d ago

First time?