r/fo3 3d ago

Planted in this courtyard before the great war, this tree still stands through the centuries

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12 comments sorted by


u/Professional_Ebb7832 3d ago

Every time I get there there's a man being attacked by dogs, I never understood that


u/Old_Taste7076 3d ago

Why am I getting a Crackdown vibe from this?


u/Superb_Recover_6116 3d ago

you using mods or something? This pic looks a lot better than when I play the game. The textures look sharp.


u/suuubdude 3d ago

Asked a couple times now on some previous screenshots i’ve posted here, but no mods and playing on series X. I think when you use the screenshot feature on an xbox 360 title, it comes out a little darker than the base game, but I personally haven’t noticed that big of a difference, it’s just the only thing I can think of as to why my screenshots look sharper as you said.


u/mufcordie 3d ago

How does F3 hold up on series X if you don’t mind me asking? Been wanting to play again.


u/suuubdude 3d ago

It’s the best i’ve ever played the game performance wise. Grew up playing on the xbox 360 and dealt with crashes, stuttering and very long load times. None of those things occur now, the game is smooth as butter with a massive FPS boost, and load times are virtually gone. I think the game has crashed 2-3 times total in an entire playthrough.

Btw all of the same can be said about FNV too in my opinion.


u/mufcordie 3d ago

Cheers mate! F3 was my first one too.


u/innerventure 2d ago

i can corroborate what dude said, boot them up!


u/Fickle_Competition33 3d ago

True, I play GOTY on PC everything on maximum and not even close to this sharpness.


u/Superb_Recover_6116 3d ago

I looked it up and I dont know if this is the case for the pc port of fallout 3 but there are some pc ports that are texturely worse on the pc than consoles. Gta4 is one of them. You gotta download mods to make it look better or as good as the console version.

I've also noticed this on Oblivion posts by console players. Their screenshots will look so much better than my default Oblivion. BUT if you fast forward to fallout 4 it clearly looks better on pc then consoles. Idk after the update tho, havent played it yet.

But either way all thats confusing. I dont get it other than I think its just that pc games are starting to get more support these days than back then.


u/AeroMittenss 3d ago



u/no-name-here 3d ago

Where is this?