r/fnv 2d ago

Missing Forlorn Hope Quest (Is it just me?)

I began playing Fallout New Vegas on Xbox360 when I was 16 and specifically remember a Forlorn Hope quest. Now, I can't trigger or even find a mention of this quest. The quest was a small one, but you basically have to save(or mercy kill?) wounded NCR soldiers stuck in the mine field/no-man's-land between Hope and Nelson. The NCR soldier at the top of the entrance to Hope from the mine field even tells the player that the Legion keeps them alive to try to get NCR soldiers to try to save their comrades only to suffer the same fate. He continues to ask the player to end the wounded soldiers' misery so he doesn't have to hear them screaming for help. Did my head canon just get to out of hand or was this an actual quest? I want it to be one. Maybe Bethesda removed it to support placement for the Dead Money DLC entrance?


7 comments sorted by


u/DMPunk 2d ago

Do you mean saving the crucified soldiers in Nelson? Because that dialogue sounds like Ranger Milo's dialogue when he asks the Courier to kill them and put them out of their misery. He's at the checkpoint just south of Nelson. You get to it by heading directly east on the road out of Novac


u/CompetitionHuman8038 2d ago

I might be confusing the 'quest' and 'save(or mercy kill?)' part with that quest, but I vividly remember booby trapped soldiers that were wounded in the minefield between Hope and Nelson.


u/Pain_n_agony 2d ago

Pre dlcs there was cut content regarding this, but was deleted after the dlcs were released


u/CompetitionHuman8038 2d ago

I knew I remembered having to find soldiers bodies after shooting the frag mines under them. Those dogtags don't collect themselves!


u/Pain_n_agony 2d ago

The only rescue I remember being active now was to recover a ranger from near repconn hq


u/Jarms48 2d ago

There’s a ranger to the west of Nelson that will give you a quest to rescue the crucified NCR soldiers there. The NCR soldiers in no-man’s land can’t be saved and can only be mercy killed, though from memory an Xbox patch may have disabled them for better performance.


u/CompetitionHuman8038 1d ago

This is probably what it was because I played it early Xbox360 release with no dlcs or patches. I think only one update was ever downloaded but since it corrupted my main save I stopped updating. I'm just glad I wasn't just making up lore in my head thinking it was real.