r/falloutlore 6d ago

Question about the intelligent deathclaws Question

So the wiki states that the Enclave created the intelligent deathclaws around 2235, but the enclave did not discover mariposa until 2236. So how could they create the deathclaws with FEV if they had not yet discovered mariposa?


6 comments sorted by


u/DankDaze96 6d ago

The Wiki on FEV states

"Intelligent deathclaw

In 2235, the Enclave began experiments on captive deathclaws to create expendable shock troops for their use, continuing the pre-War project. The recovery of FEV from Mariposa allowed them to create a tailored mutagen that increased the intelligence of deathclaws after localized injections, making them capable of understanding and following complex commands, as well as communication. The resulting modification overshot the project goals, giving them human-level intelligence, erudition, and most importantly, morality."



u/PattyrickYT 6d ago

Thank you!


u/DankDaze96 6d ago

No problem 😊


u/KnightofTorchlight 6d ago
  1. The source on the date is the Fallout Bible therefore not in and of itself Canon.

  2. The cited entry only states the "The Enclave experiments on deathclaws, attempting to create special fighting units for waging war in hostile environments." They could have been experimenting on the use of Deathclaws prior to and without the FEV, and only began FEV experiments later once they had the supply. Its not as if the Enclave research would not eventually produce a way of directing Deathclaws without giving them intelligent (Domestication unit from Fallout 3) and to actually start injecting Deathclaw brains with the viron they had to, well, have Deathclaws available to experiment on. 


u/longjohnson6 6d ago

Deathclaws were created pre war to attack the chinese mainland, their DNA was already affected by FEV, and the enclave probably had a lesser strain of F.E.V left over from the US government like the one tested by the Appalachian branch of wes tek or vault 87.


u/IBananaShake 2d ago

DNA was already affected by FEV

This is false