r/facepalm 4d ago

What even is this? ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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u/adamcmorrison 4d ago

Mixed weight romance


u/HairyZookeepergame52 4d ago

I was raised on mixed weight relationships


u/HairyZookeepergame52 4d ago

4 words The King of Queens


u/Powerful_Lynx_4737 3d ago

Yea but the man was heavier. Itโ€™s never an issue when the man is heavier, but god forbid the woman is bigger their little brains canโ€™t comprehend why a man would love his partner no matter their weight.


u/1rarebird55 3d ago

The Jeffersons have entered the chat


u/-CuriousityBot- 3d ago edited 3d ago

I think that's a less impactful statement when the husband is fat as part of playing a fat-oaf character. As a chubby dude, I don't exactly see the king of queens as empowering or inspiring.


u/AskMeForAPhoto 3d ago

It's not meant to be empowering or inspiring though. It's the fact men can play just about any role and audiences are fine with it. But as soon as the genders are reversed, suddenly it's an issue.

And also, the "oaf" character, is always redeemed through heart and comedy. They're viewed as flawed but ultimately loveable characters. People think Homer is stupid but we love him anyways.


u/-CuriousityBot- 3d ago

I think it's a poor comparison because everything I've heard about Penelope makes her out to be am empowering character. Whereas the fat man = dumb and lazy trope is definitely not.


u/Tormented-Frog 3d ago

That and Kevin James, while he's well padded, isn't as fat as people seem to think. He can also do reps with a 350lb bench press.


u/NewFriendsOldFriends 2d ago

I am aware that that's an actual issue, but I'll never forget that when I was a student in the US I've seen many jocks dating curvy girls, and I've never seen a fit girl dating a chubby guy or a guy with less muscles. Not once.

The only times I saw women preferred bigger men was when those men were earning more than them.


u/joop_pooply 3d ago

People made have made fun of this trope relentlessly since it appeared (in the 90s or earlier), saying โ€œHe could never get a woman like that in real life, this is ridiculous!โ€. Will people be mad when the same thing is said after the genders are reversed?


u/JusticiarRebel 3d ago

Or because of it. Chubby chasers are a thing. There are subreddits to prove it.


u/mymoama 3d ago

The fat chick that is a cop in ghost busters. She has been with many men.


u/Tranxio 3d ago

Plump > Overweight > Fat > Obese. Which one is she?


u/DickPump2541 3d ago

Who gives a shit?


u/BetterThruChemistry 3d ago



u/CautiouslyEratic 3d ago

That usually happens in the movies only. Us men tend to be very visual and weight matters a lot. Biology. There's zero chance I would be with a fat chick, sorry. Although I guess there are some chubby chasers out there, but that's like 1 out of 100 or so.


u/First_Peer 3d ago

If you want to talk biology, being skinny is biologically unsound and indicates lack of resources, hence why most pre-modern cultures attributed wealth and status to men and women who were heavier. Being lean is a new modern thing.


u/CautiouslyEratic 3d ago

You're confuzing biology with social status. You are talking about kings being fat because they had the resources.

Biologically being thin (not skinny) is what is more healthy and sexually appealing. In terms of women attraction, thinny with curves is usually the most attractive for most men, myself included.

Significant extra weight indicates health problems for the most part and is very unattractive.


u/First_Peer 3d ago

No it's not, that is a human-centric view. Nature knows that fat is necessary for many reasons.



u/CautiouslyEratic 3d ago

Yeah, no, utter nonsense. Our ancestors didn't even have enough food to be fat. Biologically humans were quite fit before fast food and social norms.

And regardless of that, fat women are definitely way more unattractive than fit women, all other things being similar.


u/First_Peer 3d ago

That is what your modern western sensea have been trained to view, it is not the same throughout history, culture, and/or geography. The reason skinny is considered more attractive today, is because it is harder to do. Eating healthy costs more, going to the gym costs more, having the time to eat healthy and exercise costs more. Being able to do that is a sign of success and wealth, reinforced by advertising and media. Marilyn Monroe is considered a sex symbol and extremely beautiful woman, but go look at a picture of her in a bikini. She has curves, because skinny wasn't considered ideal at that time.


u/CautiouslyEratic 3d ago

Wrong again. Attraction has nothing to do with how hard something is to do. Nothing at all. A self made woman who becomes a millionaire is very hard to do, but unless she is visually very attractive and fit, the vast majority of men are not going to be attracted to her in the slightest.

Notice I never said skinny. I don't like skinny myself either. I like fit with curves. Most men do. Marilyn Monroe is the epitome of that and is very attractive. A fat chick is just not. Ever. Sorry.

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