r/facepalm 4d ago

What even is this? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Professional-Hat-687 4d ago

Also it's by Virgie Tovar, who desperately needs to get a real job.


u/CableTrash 4d ago


u/Professional-Hat-687 4d ago

Wait until you hear her speak. I honestly don't care that she's heavy; shes such an insufferable twat. A real feminist wouldn't tell other women how much cake they're allowed to eat, Virgie.


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 4d ago

Jesus Christ. She’s so obsessed with what other people think of her she can’t enjoy the piece of cake she wants to enjoy without everyone else eating the same amount? Not everyone likes to eat a fuckton of cake you stupid idiot. Not everyone even likes cake. Jesus fuck.

Can you imagine not realizing that you’re literally sending the opposite message of what you “intended” with this video?


u/roast-tinted 3d ago

Yeah I'm a dude and I don't like cake. I still bake/buy them for my family but I don't partake. I prefer a whole ass block of chocolate to myself, yet if I so no thanks I'm fat phobic? These people have no real adversity in their lives and have to come up with some way to be the victim for that sweet sweet sympathy


u/every_name-istaken 3d ago

You misunderstand. That doesn’t makes you fat phobic. It makes you fat phobic and sexist.


u/Professional_Echo907 3d ago

I’m fucking fat and I love cake but you don’t have to make it your entire goddamned existence, Virgie. 👀


u/CrumblingDragonballs 3d ago

But you see, some people LITRALLY HAVE NOTHING ELSE


u/Pika_Squish_127 3d ago

That's the one thing I takeaway from alot of the people in the fat acceptance community, is that being fat is their whole personality. Every tiktok/reel is only about being fat 😂. Like do you have no hobbies?


u/Magenta_Logistic 3d ago

I would love to see her reaction to a video from a skinny girl entitled: "No, you can't have a bigger slice of cake."

Just stop telling other people what/how much to eat.


u/Timely-Youth-9074 3d ago

I always say smaller because I don’t like a lot of cake-it’s too sweet. I’m not really thin or anything either.


u/sentence-interruptio 3d ago

villain: "eat this cake."

woman not hungry: "sorry no."

villain: "then you are being oppressed by yourself. my minions will force you to be free now."

little minions begin to restrain the not hungry woman. "wtf let me go. my choice my body remember?", she says.

villain shows off a feeding tube and begins to laugh like a psycho.


u/keithperaza 3d ago

You’re kidding me. What I just saw someone got paid to create… man this country is in serious trouble. You need to be real with yourself. Eating yourself to obesity or even close to it is clearly an issue in large part of not all due to cultural and dietary differences to that of literally every other country. I’m all for the war on fat though love the people underneath and sure some stuff is medical or from age even then. She’s delusional 🤦🏻‍♂️AND she won’t allow comments on that video