r/facepalm 4d ago

How can humanity disappoint so much 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/grantnel2002 4d ago

Have you even met humanity? They’re the worst.


u/Which_Decision4460 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not an attack on you but I hate the humanity line, we all know it's no life incels making that kind of post. Why do we always protect them by saying stuff like all humanity or humans are trash or whatever line.

Call them out on their bullshit.

Edit: My main point is using the phrase... I hate humanity to me at least pushes the idea that this is normal behavior, to be human as it were I don't believe that, these people are hateful assholes and need to be called out for being such. It's like saying boys will be boys to excuse horrible actions


u/IchBinEinSim 4d ago

Most people aren’t ass hats yes, but it’s not just incels and men who say shit like this. I have seen multiple women on social media body shame normal bodies, especially the bodies of female celebrities. It’s been mainly fitness influencers and/or fashion industry types that I have seen that say shit like this but I am sure it’s not just them. I think it’s usually a sign of their own personal insecurities that make them say this shit.

Not to mention gossip rags use to (or still are) full of photos like this with a caption asking if she is pregnant or just gaining weight. I haven’t seen those types of “articles” in a while, so hopefully it’s becoming a thing of the past, but then again I rarely look at a celeb magazine anymore.


u/Kel-Varnsen85 4d ago

Remember the Playboy model who recorded a woman in a gym locker room and mocked her naked body online?