r/facepalm 4d ago

notes corrects an interesting take on dinosaurs 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/padfootiscool1997 4d ago

I mean I’m a Christian(a gay very not judgy one) and even my creationist theory that I believe in thinks dinosaurs are real. We just think it’s 6,000 years old and not millions. I mean dinosaurs are even mentioned in the Bible so meh.


u/LordDemetrius 3d ago

Genuinely interested in how it could make sense. We know what happened in human history 6000 years ago. We have archeological remains from many places around the world and nothing points to dinosaurs. No remains, no statue, no painting, nothing. Also, every fossil evidence about dinosaurs prove that they lived in a world where continents were placed in a very different way, which was obviously not the case in let's say ancient egypt


u/padfootiscool1997 3d ago

So I’m in no way a science student or teacher or anything. And I definitely do not speak for people who actually know the creationist theory well. But the gist I was taught in elementary school was that between about 6,000 and 10,000 years ago Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden during the period when there was only one continent. One giant continent. And years later when Noah collected 7 of every clean animal and two of every dirty animals. The flood caused structural damage to the continent. Then four generations later when Peleg was born the continent started to split thanks to underwater volcanos and other structures damage from the flood. made the continents and then spread then out slowly like hundred of years slowly. Genesis 10:25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan. Then again I’m not into science and stuff much. But I think there was supposed to be a short ice age but I don’t remember exactly. I think I was told somthing like from 2350 BC to 1650 BC. Apparently Abraham was around for it. So kudos to him. But it wasn’t supposedly like a whole earth just like northern most longitudes or something. Anyway we believe the rest of history like the pharaohs and Rome and everything. It’s just we think earth came about and stayed about thanks to a helping hand. Also I like the fact I’m made in a image of something and not from a monkey. But again I’m not starting fights. I get it everyone has their own opinions. But ya if you wanted to know the young earth creationists theory that’s kinda about what I was told.