r/facepalm 2d ago

notes corrects an interesting take on dinosaurs 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Revolutionary_Tip701 2d ago

Nice to know that she is still dumb


u/truthandtattoos 2d ago

And getting dumber with age according to her post


u/Revolutionary_Tip701 1d ago

It's weird that her and others insist on announcing publicly how dumb they are over and over again.


u/truthandtattoos 1d ago

They tell on themselves often. I had a good laugh at Elon's strangely specific 'robot of the future' post that 'won't complain about ur bad performance in bed or weird looking junk'. I mean just tell the world y don't u 😂


u/Sad_Bat_9059 2d ago

Dinosaurs being hit by a meteor apparently makes less sense to her than a zombie who could turn water into wine


u/therealtiddlydump 2d ago edited 2d ago

He wasn't a zombie at the time, my man.

You don't need to believe the stories to get the order of events right.


u/Sad_Bat_9059 2d ago

Apologies, I should have said ‘a person who could turn water into wine and then turned into a zombie’


u/freakbutters 2d ago

I think he actually turned himself into a Lich.


u/therealtiddlydump 2d ago

You are a true gentleman


u/gadget850 2d ago

Candace Owens is proof that dinosaurs still exist.


u/TinyRascalSaurus 2d ago

I take personal offense at that. We don't claim her.


u/Cheap-Praline 2d ago

Naw, dinosaurs weren't truly cold blooded like that reptilian grifter.


u/ExactDevelopment4892 2d ago

What she means is “the less money I make the more desperate I’m getting for fans to pay attention to me”


u/embarrassedtrwy 2d ago

Ok Candace. Let’s take out our safety pencil and a circle of paper, and maybe we can finish up this month on the letter A


u/AndiThyIs 2d ago

I genuinely can't believe there are so many people that deny INDISPUTABLE FOSSIL RECORDS like????


u/DardS8Br 1d ago

We literally have fossils created as a result of the extinction


u/MethodicalWin 1d ago

That’s what’s amazing. They believe fantastical stories in a book that thousands of corrupt leaders have used to fool and control the masses with, yet actual hard working scientists are assumed to be “pwned by big gov” and trying to fool them. But they too smart for that!


u/manchambo 2d ago

Most people don’t get dumber as they get older. But the really strange thing is bragging about it.


u/woodrax 2d ago

Community Note: Candace Owens is a raging moron and obvious grifter


u/Less_Rutabaga2316 2d ago

Non-avian dinosaurs. We’re still surrounded by birds (avian dinosaurs) that are genetically closer to crocodiles than crocodiles are to lizards and turtles.


u/CombinationFew4165 2d ago

I take it she's never been to a museum?


u/fgsgeneg 2d ago

Which puts them here about 65 million years before the creation of the earth. Interesting.


u/therealtiddlydump 2d ago

She's amazing...

I couldn't dream of being this shameless a grifter, it's far beyond my powers. Imagine if she channeled this sort of effort into anything fucking else.

What a time to be alive.


u/Charming-Command3965 2d ago

Guys and Gals . Did you expect any better from her?🤣🤣🤣


u/Genoss01 2d ago

Arrogance, ignorance and stupidity are a hell of a thing


u/Wagonlance 2d ago

"The older I get, the more I pick fairy tales over facts and science."

She should stop at every tree she passes and apologize for wasting the oxygen they provide.


u/jiggscaseyNJ 2d ago

Keep an eye on SCOTUS and the ilk. I’m seeing more creationist propaganda on my feed and getting more attention from leading alt-right figures. You see what they’ve done Louisiana and Oklahoma. They’re coming for science. They want to teach our children that the earth is less than 6000 years old and that dinosaurs lived on a boat with people.

The evangelical Christo-fascists want a return on their investment. The checks are getting cashed and the favors are being called in as they’re a dying out.

I think the real push is to have state and federal tax dollars diverted to “faith-based” (Christian) schools.


u/Fun_in_Space 1d ago

That's what the Republicans have been doing for the last 40 years.


u/jiggscaseyNJ 1d ago

Agreed but it seems like it’s been ramped up in the last few years.


u/Fun_in_Space 1d ago

They did the "stealth strategy" for years, but they are bolder now. They have convinced themselves that they are the majority.


u/hplcr 2d ago

Let me guess. She believes "Giant flood and a zoo boat with 40,000 animals being taken care of by 8 people for a year" is much more plausible.


u/Capital_Pipe_6038 1d ago

Don't forget there was only 2 of each which implies every animal today is extremely inbred 


u/hplcr 1d ago edited 1d ago

Depending on which verse you read, it's 2 pairs of all animals or 2 pairs of clean animals and 7 pairs of unclean animals.

This doesn't help the inbreeding problem at all but it greatly complicates the already crushing logistics problem for the whole enterprise. Seriously, don't get me started how much the entire scenario doesn't work the moment it ceases to be mythology. That boat would leak like a motherfucker and everyone would probably die from lack of water, exhaustion and illness within a month.

But honestly it doesn't matter because nothing about the scenario makes any fucking sense anyway so you basically have to invoke magic to hold the entire story together. Though when you invoke magic you have to ask why doesn't god just have the eagles fly Noah to Mt. Doom to begin with.


u/Schmed_lap 2d ago

The aliens took a lot of them away


u/keonyn 1d ago

We should hit Candace Owens with a meteor so she can understand just how devastating it can be.


u/TheAskewOne 1d ago

Exactly how are you qualified to decide that?


u/Opsyr_ 1d ago

But a man in the sky is not hard to believe?


u/Kind_Committee8997 2d ago

Maybe thats why they're killing rhinos and elephants: because they want to hide the truth.


u/metalnxrd 2d ago

Candace’s kids: “Mommy, what’s your favorite dinosaur?”

Candace: “A C T S H U A L L Y, dinosaurs weren’t real.”


u/ImpossibleYou2184 2d ago

What does she have to do with any of this


u/eehikki 1d ago

Avian dinosaurs are still roaming the earth. This dumbass even has a chance to eat some of them for dinner.


u/BasicAd81 22h ago

How does she make money? Serious question


u/Hot_Abbreviations936 19h ago

By that logic in a year she will think the earth is flat and democrats abort babies after their born!


u/padfootiscool1997 2d ago

I mean I’m a Christian(a gay very not judgy one) and even my creationist theory that I believe in thinks dinosaurs are real. We just think it’s 6,000 years old and not millions. I mean dinosaurs are even mentioned in the Bible so meh.


u/DardS8Br 1d ago

You’re still denying indisputable fact. Which is just as big of a facepalm

Also dinosaurs weren’t mentioned in the Bible. Unless you’re talking about birds


u/padfootiscool1997 1d ago

I mean I’m not sure why I’m getting so much downvotes. I didn’t say I hope everyone has to learn my views or argue them. I just said even my science theory talks about dinosaurs. Wasn’t trying to start a fight. Was just commenting. And ya the Bible talks about dragons/dinosaurs. Vaguely a couple times. But not really goes into it much.


u/hdjwi88h 1d ago

I mean I’m not sure why I’m getting so much downvotes.

Welcome to Reddit. Let's see if I get downvoted by association.


u/padfootiscool1997 1d ago

Lol fair. I guess I should of expected that. 😂


u/LordDemetrius 1d ago

Genuinely interested in how it could make sense. We know what happened in human history 6000 years ago. We have archeological remains from many places around the world and nothing points to dinosaurs. No remains, no statue, no painting, nothing. Also, every fossil evidence about dinosaurs prove that they lived in a world where continents were placed in a very different way, which was obviously not the case in let's say ancient egypt


u/padfootiscool1997 1d ago

So I’m in no way a science student or teacher or anything. And I definitely do not speak for people who actually know the creationist theory well. But the gist I was taught in elementary school was that between about 6,000 and 10,000 years ago Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden during the period when there was only one continent. One giant continent. And years later when Noah collected 7 of every clean animal and two of every dirty animals. The flood caused structural damage to the continent. Then four generations later when Peleg was born the continent started to split thanks to underwater volcanos and other structures damage from the flood. made the continents and then spread then out slowly like hundred of years slowly. Genesis 10:25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan. Then again I’m not into science and stuff much. But I think there was supposed to be a short ice age but I don’t remember exactly. I think I was told somthing like from 2350 BC to 1650 BC. Apparently Abraham was around for it. So kudos to him. But it wasn’t supposedly like a whole earth just like northern most longitudes or something. Anyway we believe the rest of history like the pharaohs and Rome and everything. It’s just we think earth came about and stayed about thanks to a helping hand. Also I like the fact I’m made in a image of something and not from a monkey. But again I’m not starting fights. I get it everyone has their own opinions. But ya if you wanted to know the young earth creationists theory that’s kinda about what I was told.


u/FederalSecretary 1d ago

I'm a Muslim flat earther and even I know that the dinosaurs fell off the edge onto the one below, which is why they are now gone. People believe the craziest things.