r/facepalm 4d ago

Woman who commits hate crime against drag queens working in a hotel she is staying at in Hawaii turns out to work at UC Davis in department of Trans Studies in university directory. (Really transportation studies). Women is pure evil. Students want her to be removed. 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/LovePeaceHope-ish 4d ago

based on their views outside of the scope of work

But it's not 'outside the scope of work'. She literally works at the university in the Trans Studies field. And she just proved herself to be a liability to the school. Anyone that is so unhinged as to rant hate, unprovoked, at people just minding their own damn business is a lawsuit waiting to happen. She's not probably going to be fired for her views. She's probably going to be fired for her actions. Big difference.


u/DeadlySight 4d ago edited 4d ago

Transportation studies is related to this in what way?

You can be sued for talking without making threats or inciting violence? Interesting world you live in. I’ve personally never heard of such a thing


u/LovePeaceHope-ish 4d ago

My mistake, as I did not see that this was Transportation studies. So, you are correct - that is not relevant. Thanks for pointing that out.

However, a company certainly can be sued if their employee discriminates against someone during the scope of their employment. So, no, the law doesn't specifically say that this woman should be fired for what she said on vacation (if she was on her personal time and not during work hours), but, if you re-read my comment, that is not what i said. I said she's a lawsuit waiting to happen. This pubically exploited behavior sets a precedent as to this woman's biases and puts the company on notice. Please educate yourself on vicarious liability, at-will employment, negligent retention, and respondeat superior for a better understanding of this issue. Bottom line is, depending on the state and employer, a person can definitely be released from their employment, and even sued, for their actions/words/behavior. And, if the company is aware of an employees abhorrent behavior and choses to keep them in their employ, then that opens up the company to a lawsuit as well. Peace.


u/DeadlySight 4d ago

lol, nice word salad trying to sound intelligent.

This doesn’t set precedent for anything work related. If she’s worked without incident there’s no reason to believe this outburst will have anything to do with her work at all. Respondent behavior and negligent retention? 😂 Her nonsense display in Hawaii isn’t relevant to her work in California.

The only thing that’s applicable is at-will employment. Yes, the company probably can fire her for basically whatever they want. We shouldn’t support and endorse that kind of employer overreach. Employer oversight should end when you’re on your free time. I’m talking about the way things should be, not the way they are. Employers should not be able to fire employees that are doing their jobs without incident.


u/LovePeaceHope-ish 4d ago

Ooohhh, okay. I get who you are now. Silly me thought this was a good faith conversation. But, nope - you're just a jerk. Got it. Bye.