r/facepalm 4d ago

The debate in a nutshell 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Our political system is the facepalm


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u/Successful_Ad8175 4d ago

Can America please just have an age limit for this job please?!


u/Applicator80 4d ago

As an Australian it only indirectly affects me, but both are showing their age and only going to get worse and it’s frightening that their parties are both supportive of them. We’d have knifed our leaders several times if they were as senile as these two.


u/lookingForPatchie 4d ago

Two party system. Giving the people the choice between two absolutely senile potatoe. One more on the racist, sexist and cult leader side. The other one as old as time itself, can barely remember his own name.

Biggest failure point of what Americans call "democracy".


u/Efficient_Ear_8037 4d ago

Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden to be clear, it’s not that big of a difference.

Neither of them should be in office, they should be in a nursing home instead.


u/ProxyCare 4d ago

As a former long term care worker, I've seen both of these men multiple times


u/Efficient_Ear_8037 4d ago

That’s crazy


u/Omnizoom 3d ago

Sounds like you have repeat customers


u/texaspoontappa93 3d ago

As a nurse that’s all I could think during the debate. I bet I could guess 75% of their med regimens


u/Breaky_Online 4d ago

Those 3 years did a number on ol' Joe, he's 3 years older now!


u/secretbudgie 4d ago

He sounded worse tonight than he did 3 months ago. His brain's going faster than the rest. Kamala should have been on that stage, because if they win, she's up to bat.


u/Western_Mud8694 4d ago

Disabilities are a son of a gun ,


u/Western_Mud8694 4d ago

To be fair the presidency has always aged the person holding office tremendously, that’s why age limits are so important as well as a criminal background check and a certain amount of education and this goes for congress to, which everyone should be paying close attention to… find out about your local representatives


u/Exotic_Champion 4d ago

Look at his face from 2020 to now. Looks like he’s had a facelift, or 2. Dude is fucking dead inside


u/mynextthroway 4d ago

I can't get over Trump supporters attacking Biden's age. Less than one presidential term separates them.


u/PandorasBucket 4d ago

To be fair there are plenty of 80 year olds who are in much better condition than them. Anthony Fauci for instance is in incredible shape and in his mid 80s. Don't get started on how you feel about him. I'm just saying as a human he's in incredible shape. There are 95 year olds who still run.


u/odeacon 4d ago

Yeah but Trump looks and sounds 15 years younger


u/Efficient_Ear_8037 4d ago

No he don’t, lol.

He’s just as dementia ridden as Biden is


u/dm_your_nevernudes 4d ago

Remember when misspelling potatoe was the worst gaff possible.

Although given how much HW covered for Nixon and the cagey shit he did as CIA director, it’s kind of funny that after the scandals and the dismantling of norms, what we remember is Dan’s spelling abilities….


u/Magenta_Logistic 4d ago

Who would've thought we would miss the guy who said "I wish I had learned Latin in school so I could communicate with all the people in Latin America."

At least it was just ignorance, and wishing he could bridge a gap.


u/dm_your_nevernudes 4d ago

That is where the bar is today though. Basic empathy for the suffering for others is considered a weakness these days.


u/Lost-Enthusiasm6570 4d ago

Oh man, I haven't thought about Quayle in decades.


u/dancegoddess1971 4d ago

I, as a citizen, am deeply shamed by what the rest of the world saw last night. I'd like to apologize on behalf of my countrymen for that unseemly display of ... whatever that even was. But, it's not like we can petition the UN to intervene, can we? No, seriously, is there a form or petition we can circulate among us and sign to send to the UN?


u/SentientFotoGeek 4d ago

No UN, this shit's all on us.


u/Atomic12192 4d ago

Americans: Fuck this system sucks

Non-Americans: Americans are so stupid for liking their system.


u/lookingForPatchie 3d ago

Americans are so stupid for accepting their system. You guys have all the tools to create a better government, but you don't. Because it would inconvenience you, even if it would tremendously benefit your children.


u/DubbleWideSurprise 4d ago

We keep fucking falling for it. We’re to blame. But either way, it’s big business’ will to have someone they can manipulate in office, and who’s easier to manipulate than a foggy-headed old man?