r/facepalm 7d ago

Why is he even allowed to compete? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Generic118 7d ago

"Van de Velde pleaded guilty to the three counts of rape against the child, who was named in court as Miss A.

The court heard he was aware of the girl’s age and went to her home when her mother was out and had sex with her, taking her virginity.

During the trial, it was reported Van de Velde wept as he heard that his victim had since self-harmed and taken an overdose. Upon his release, Van de Velde ­defended his actions, saying he was “not a sex monster” for raping the girl.

“I do want to correct all the nonsense which has been written about me when I was locked up,” Van de Velde said.

“I did not read anything of it, on purpose, but I understand that it was quite bad, that I have been branded as a sex monster, as a pedophile.

“That I am not, really not. Everyone can have an opinion about me, but it is only fair if they also know my side of the story.”"

12 months for 3 coubts of rape against a 12 year old and no remose


u/Frank--Li 7d ago

"Raping someone doesnt make me a rapist" is one hell of a take


u/RockItGuyDC 7d ago

Raping a 12yo doesn't make me a pedophile is another bullshit take.

Shame on his country's Olympic Committee for letting him compete. This is on them.


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 6d ago

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u/justbrowsing987654 6d ago edited 6d ago

Literally the only way is if he was also like 12 but based on the context, doesn’t seem like it. This is wild he’s allowed to compete. America has a lot of problems but I don’t think someone like this would get out of jail with that attitude here.

EDIT: the since deleted comment before this was something along the lines of how could they allow him to compete. I am NOT defending that 1%. Bury him under the jail.


u/ZennyDaye 6d ago

Karl Malone had a kid with a 12 year old and still gets invited to all-star NBA games as a VIP guest...


u/derkonigistnackt 6d ago

David Bowie had 13 year old groupies he used to have sex with, and people still talk about him as a god


u/newforestroadwarrior 6d ago

John Peel married a 15 year old girl.who he obviously groomed. She later committed suicide.


u/Don_Quipuncher 6d ago

Anthony Kiedis, vocalist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, bragged in his memoirs about getting away with fucking a 14 year old.


u/newforestroadwarrior 6d ago edited 6d ago

David Tyler of Aerosmith had legal guardianship of a 16 year old who he lived with for several more years.

Edit: Steven Tyler


u/Dramatological 6d ago

They all did. Which is why it's not really talked about. I can't think of a single rock band from that time that wasn't diddling kids.

We make movies about the groupies and talk about how it was always their dream and they got so many great life experiences out of it.

Not diddling kids is a more recent concept than any of us is comfortable discussing.


u/lordnacho666 6d ago

Correct. There even used to be a political movement to normalise it.


u/badlydrawnboyz 6d ago

there are enough republicans trying to legalize child marriage that if feels like a part of the party platform at this point.


u/agent-virginia 6d ago

What's gruesome is that it's already legal in a shocking number of states, and they are trying to keep it that way.


u/Wise_Ad_253 6d ago

It’s not a prerequisite, it’s a coincidence…

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u/Fn_Spaghetti_Monster 6d ago

There even ~~used to be ~~ is a political movement to normalize it.

Fixed that . Let's not forget it was only two years ago that the Tennessee GOP tried to pass a bill eliminating the minimum age requirements for marriage


u/ArthurCartholmes 6d ago

I think people forget that the Sexual Liberation if the Sixties was less about freeing gay people from the crushing homophobia of the age, and more about doing whatever the fuck you liked, to whoever you liked. It was more libertinism rather than libertarianism.


u/ConspicuousPineapple 6d ago

Are we assuming that every rock star is automatically attracted to kids? I mean, I get that it was incredibly prevalent (still is) but I can't imagine all of them would even want to do this.


u/Dramatological 6d ago

I had a thought maybe Fleetwood Mac didn't do this, but then I googled it, and apparently there was a girl from Little Rock who slept with all the dudes.

I dunno what to tell you, man. I assume someone wasn't, I just can't find them.


u/Ready-Ambassador-271 6d ago

In the 80s they were all at it. There was the saying. “If it’s old enough to bleed, its bleeding old enough”


u/flatheadedmonkeydix 6d ago

Iggy Pop wrote a song about a child groupie. Led Zep were notorious for this. See Blind Faith's album cover (Clapton's band from the 60s). Jesus these people were fucked and I bet it still happens a lot especially with bands and musicians who have younger fans.


u/BlueBrickBuilder 5d ago

Zeppelin too? Noooooo


u/flatheadedmonkeydix 5d ago

Ohh yes. More famously the whole Lori Maddox affair. She was also having sex with David Bowie whilst underage. These men were creepy fucks man.


u/UnRealSmoky 6d ago

Oh shit... I didn't know this. Was it like him being 18 and them 13 and a half or more like him being in his 20s, 30s? Pretty bad in either case, ofc...

I don't understand how otherwise great people managed to find it ikay to play around with kids. I fully understand older people going for 18 and 19 year olds, but 13 makes no fucking sense.


u/derkonigistnackt 6d ago

The most famous case was Lori Mattix who was 15 and he was 25, but he had other "baby groupies" he slept with even when he was in his 40s


u/JoeBobsfromBoobert 6d ago

David Bowie UB40


u/WithMillenialAbandon 6d ago

Attraction is about secondary sexual characteristics. Paedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent people. So being attracted to a 13 year old with developed secondary sexual characteristics isn't paedophilia.

I know it's more popular to just call them paedophiles, but it's inaccurate. Trying to escalate outrage against the Epstein flyers by calling the paedophiles has a chilling effect on mature discussion about it, and also lessens the disdain for actual paedophiles. Same as this rhetorical strategy always does


u/derkonigistnackt 6d ago

I didn't call him a pedophile. But there's a ridiculous imbalanced power dynamic, especially between somebody famous and a child.


u/WithMillenialAbandon 6d ago

I don't really understand the power imbalance argument.

Power imbalance always exists between men and women because men are 300% stronger (on average) than women.

Why doesn't that make all heterosexual relationships "imbalanced"?


u/derkonigistnackt 6d ago

Alright buddy. If you don't think there's a power imbalance between a 30 something year old rich and famous rockstar and a 13 year old then I guess I'm just glad you are not a 30 something year old rich and famous rockstar...


u/WithMillenialAbandon 6d ago

I didn't say there wasn't. I'm just not sure why some power imbalances matter and some don't.

And modelling everything in terms of power relations is a neo-marxist analysis, which isn't necessarily useful or meaningful. Not everything can be reduced to an oppressed/oppressor dichotomy.

So I'm not arguing with your opinion, I'm saying I don't buy the philosophy underpinning your opinion.


u/UnRealSmoky 6d ago

Power imbalance doesn't refer to physical strength.

You are correct that all relationships are unbalanced in some amount, but you should be able to see how widely different the power balance is between two adults, and an adult and a child.

If you don't see it, I would recommend visiting a psychiatrist who can explain it in a calm matter.

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u/UnRealSmoky 6d ago

1) the scientific language of psychology/medicine and the everyday language of everyday might use the same terms, but they don't need to describe the same concept with the same degree of accuracy.

2) you're technically right but: https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=LwB8iBIC-TRwEdq7


u/SeaF04mGr33n 6d ago

Omg, wtf?? Idk who that is, but oh hell no.


u/spilksch2 6d ago

He was with Orlando Magic when Michael Jordan was still a player with Chicago bulls.


u/KingGizzle 6d ago

*Utah Jazz


u/HFhutz 6d ago

Haha, don't be silly, there's no Jazz in Utah


u/spilksch2 6d ago

Oh wait… I think you’re right lol it’s been ages


u/BanishedMermaid 6d ago

Karl Malone WHAT


u/ZennyDaye 6d ago

Yup. Dude went to the Olympics twice iirc. Pedophilia is only mildly frowned on.


u/rangebob 6d ago

I love it when reddit gives me these random titbits. I've changed the radio every time the chilli peppers come on since someone like you linked me a part of one of their biographies where he admits to fucking a 14 year old

Ty sir !


u/Don_Quipuncher 6d ago

Out here doing the Lord's work, my friend. Just last night I commented on a tiktok about Karl Malone to never forget that he raped and impregnated a 12 year old girl.


u/ZennyDaye 6d ago

It's obligatory at this point. People seem intent on forgetting he's a proud celebrity pedo. The evidence couldn't be more real and still...


u/90daysismytherapy 6d ago

This. It’s honestly unbelievable that this guy is still not publicly vilified.