r/facepalm 13d ago

Now wait a damn minute 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/wakim82 13d ago

Same issue in West Virginia, West Virginia was the last state to report a case...the entire time I lived in WV, while WORKING AT A HOSPITAL I didn't catch COVID.

I legit never saw albino people in the wild until I moved there...then boom...everywhere because the albino family kept fucking each other.


u/_SteeringWheel 13d ago

Not that I ever intended visiting West Virginia, but now you made me scared to do so.


u/BHweldmech 13d ago

Honestly, WV is a stunningly beautiful place. That being said, if you’re on a canoe and hear banjos, you need to paddle faster.


u/_SteeringWheel 13d ago

I'll keep that in mind for sure. Kind of like the redneck on a child's bike in Illinois 😬


u/illbedeadbydawn 13d ago

Contrary to popular belief, Deliverance was set in Georgia, not WV.


u/GetAtMe_0_ 13d ago

Same shit, different toilet


u/egmono 13d ago

If you're on the toilet, and you hear banjo music...


u/NoPresence2436 13d ago

Wipe faster?


u/_SteeringWheel 13d ago

Deliverance? I was talking about my own trip down route 66 :)


u/illbedeadbydawn 13d ago

I'm from Albuquerque, so my Route 66 is MUCH different to the one in Missouri...

Rt. 66 doesn't really go through the dirty south.


u/_SteeringWheel 13d ago

I know, we steered clear from the real dirt south, but we had a nice borderline encounter to realize that was just all for the best.


u/LukesRightHandMan 12d ago

Tell more!


u/_SteeringWheel 12d ago

Well, this one particular encounter wasn't that impressive to be honest. But the whole trip was epic! Just me and my dad, 3 weeks, from Chicago to LA. One of the awesome St things was we landed when Osama Bin Laden was eliminated. Served as a nice talking point with the different locals throughout the trip.

Anyway, after arriving and staying in Chicago 2 days we head for the roads, heavily impressed by Chicago and our big ass SUV.

...endless corn fields. Boredom. Miles and miles. Until we saw a cemetery. In the middle of nowhere, completely unlike we know them from Europe. So we pulled over to have a moment.

As we stood there, peacefully, in a sunny wind, just relaxing, out of nowhere, shirtless tatted dude in ripped jeans and less teeth in his mouth then hours I had slept appears. On a children's bike. I'd like to remember it was pink, but that might be exaggerate bias.

Started yelling at us, waving something like a stick. Looked at my dad, we needed no words. We rushed back in our white tank and rushed off in a cloud of dirt.

But that was the strangest guy we met the entire trip, bar Vegas obviously (and that poor man's Vegas just East of Vegas). For the rest I met only the friendliest (some a bit more politically extreme then me but hey, you gave me a free meal and we had fun! 🤷), people ever abroad.


u/TheLilPete 13d ago

But wrong turn (original) was definitely West Virginia


u/Chainsawd 13d ago

It's just that West Virginia has strong "Deliverance vibes," not necessarily that we all think the movie took place there.


u/-o-DildoGaggins-o- 13d ago

I was just about to make a “Deliverance” comment. 😂 I was gonna say that I live in WV, but in a … civilized … area. I’ve definitely driven through “Deliverance” more than one or seven times, though.


u/Penguin_shit15 12d ago

Fuck.. I always thought it was Arkansas!


u/throwsadisc09 13d ago

You be speaking the southern Illinois local legend Junior Patton