r/facepalm 13d ago

Now wait a damn minute 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Prestigious-Phase131 13d ago

Hopefully she's a step mom...


u/BallSuspicious5772 13d ago

She could also be a teen mom and he’s the step dad…


u/_VagabondSoul_ 13d ago

Or ... she a teen mom

and he is father

Simplest truth is most likely the truth


u/HsvDE86 13d ago

I'd rather wait for more evidence than some random picture on a ragebait sub with ages added by someone I don't know before I call someone a pervert. 🤷‍♀️


u/bullwinkle8088 13d ago

In many states 16 is legal age for getting married. To anyone.

Charges for sex with a minor do not apply if you are married.


u/cagingnicolas 12d ago

it's not the legality that makes me uncomfortable


u/TCSawyer 11d ago

If he's 4 she was 15, no?


u/bullwinkle8088 11d ago

The math is hazy there. They will likely say she was 16 and she well could have been.

I was only saying what the law was in many areas and likely in theirs if this picture was made public. I’ll leave the speculation to others.


u/TCSawyer 11d ago

Either way he's a nonce.


u/bullwinkle8088 11d ago edited 11d ago

Or more scary: extremely religious. That would be my first bet. Religion is a hell of a drug.

Check out the quiverfull movement for an example of that. The wikipedia version is a somewhat sterile explination, it's more than just abstaining from birth control.


u/HsvDE86 13d ago

Okay. Doesn't change the fact that if you're 25 "having sex" with a 16 year old, you're a pervert.

What a weird response. And a weird comment to respond to. Like braindead. I was saying I'll withhold judgment without actual evidence of anything.


u/ContemporaryAmerican 13d ago

In the anglosphere, yes. But if they're in Latin America It's actually legal and socially acceptable, more or less. I don't see anything that says where they're from.


u/Victorinoxj 11d ago

Dude where the hell do you come from?

I grew up in Venezuela and it was very much still looked down upon and illegal for a 25 yr old man to have sex with a 16 yr old girl.


u/bullwinkle8088 13d ago edited 13d ago

I was adding the not always sensible legal context, your insinuations towards me were completely uncalled for.

Sometimes a presentation of bare facts is just exactly that.


u/cagingnicolas 12d ago

they didn't insinuate anything about you, they were speaking in the hypothetical. if A, then B. if A doesn't apply to you, they're not calling you B.

edit: wait, fuck nevermind. shit there's a whole second line where they take it too far. shit.


u/Irvin700 12d ago

I don't know how to tell you this, but you live in a cushy bubble lol. The rest of the human race may not be for you.

I understand it may look strange with our 21st century (mostly) western eyes, but the human race didn't get to be where it is by having sex between 30s and 40s humans lol.


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

You're gross. 🤮 You want to defend raping kids, I really am on reddit.


u/iveabiggen 12d ago

You want to defend raping kids

You do realize plenty of 16 year olds are bonking other 16 year olds right?

Do you throw a moral panic at them or just the age gap? get real


u/cagingnicolas 12d ago

the reason many people take issue with 16 year olds having sex with 25 year olds but not other 16 year olds is the fact that an older person can more easily manipulate a young person, within certain age ranges. it creates a power imbalance in many cases and that's what people find gross about it. it can often be very abusive and that is often the reason people pursue these relationships in the first place.
i wouldn't call it raping kids, but it is still pretty sketchy to me.


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

You're comparing two 16 year olds to a 25 yo and 16 yo.

Absolutely incredible.


u/Irvin700 12d ago

Either you're projecting or you're not emotional mature enough to handle human behavior.

Post-puberty humans worked, fought, had children. It doesn't make much sense in present day of how complicated civilization has become, and we need longer time to "bake" into society into a fully functional adult; I wouldn't be surprised if the age of adult majority go from 18 to 27 in order to maintain the higher upkeep of keeping civilization function optimally.

The opposite is true; when civilization collapses, the age of being an adult decreases, to a point as even as young as 15 as survival depends on it, you "grow" quick enough the more staying alive becomes harsher and scarce, living in strife.


u/Callimogua 12d ago

Yeah, no.

Even back then, people would absolutely side eye any adult impregnating teens, social class nonwithstanding.

To try and apply some bullshit historical rose spectacles to that is just inaccurate, at best.


u/Irvin700 12d ago

That's the neat part, it's not inaccurate. Humans are still animals at the end of day, just because we can extract energy from other resources other than breathing and eating, doesn't make us special enough that we're still vulnerable to hubris and oppressing our animal side for the sake of order(a certain path of order at that) and the illusion of what it is to be civilized.

Suicide is not a bug, it's a reflection.

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u/JustANormalPerson314 13d ago

The law in any state or country that these people are from doesn't care about what you say, bud. If it's legal, it's legal. If it's illegal, it's illegal.


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

Found the "jailbait" viewer. 🤮


u/JustANormalPerson314 12d ago

Found the "I don't care about laws" dumbass. 🤡

You might not agree with it, but if it's legal in a state, it's legal. Most places it's not, but that's a subject for a whole other conversation I really don't feel like getting into with someone like you.


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

Don't worry, you're not alone. There are lots of other sick perverts out there.

Segregation was legal. Imagine defending that.

Just accept that you're a pervert. And completely unashamed about it.


u/yipgerplezinkie 12d ago

People are pretty much just telling you that age of consent is somewhat arbitrary and that society dictates the age based in social structure. If the person is post-pubescent, they are biologically not a child and so it’s literally not pedophilia. If you think it is, then you just don’t know what pedophilia is.

There is nothing magical about the age of 18. States have moved closer to 18 as the age of consent because that is the age people graduate high school. There was also a social purity movement in the 1980s where Christian feminist activists advocated for an increase to 16 with a hope to bring it up to 18 and possibly 21.

I think the 18 yo age of consent is good for the U.S., but if you think it’s backwards that some states have it as low as 16, just look at the rest of the world or literally all of human history everywhere.

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u/Chickenbeards 8d ago

I think they're only explaining that this is likely more common than people realize because it isn't illegal and because it isn't illegal you can't really "do" anything about it.

I live in PA, and age of consent is 16 here. Moreover, it gets a little worse in that 13-15yos can "consent" too as long as their partner isn't more than 4 years older than them, meaning someone who is nearly an adult can legally seduce someone who has only just entered adolescence. To add a dash of hypocrisy in, teens can consent to an act that might make them a parent but they usually have to be 18 before they can make their own decisions about abortion or marriage.

It's gross and I hate it. But if confronted with a relationship like this, no amount of reporting would accomplish anything unless there's a power imbalance involved, like a teacher abusing a student.


u/SonniNik 12d ago

"wait for more evidence" where do you think you are?

Saying something like that might get you banned from Reddit.


u/beldaran1224 13d ago

Call who a perv?


u/FrequentBluejay3133 13d ago

Quiet pervert


u/HsvDE86 13d ago

Says the dude obsessed with hentai that looks like kids. 🤮

Every accusation is a confession with people like you lol.


u/FrequentBluejay3133 13d ago

Also what do you mean when you say "people like you" ? 😶😶😵


u/kromptator99 13d ago

Got any proof on that accusation? Not the. Person in question, just curious since their profile is empty sans comments


u/FrequentBluejay3133 13d ago

Lol it was a dig - the joke was that I didn't wait for any evidence - just straight out called some random on reddit a pervert. Oh noeZ hoPe you don't get your panties in a twist


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

"It was just a joke!"

Yea sure.


u/FrequentBluejay3133 12d ago

Uhoh your virtue signalling into the nothingness of social media didn't work out. Maybe take a print out of your comment and put it up on your fridge so everyone who comes over knows how much of a great person you are - trust me you'll feel better.

Jeez if you're so upset with someone who would have zero reason or justification to do so, calling you a pervert - well...

Dunno just saying...


u/HsvDE86 12d ago

Yeah I'm not reading all that.


u/Tom__mm 13d ago

Occam’s razor says they’re a nuke-aler family.


u/DigitalMunky 13d ago

It’s pronounced nuclear, nuclear


u/SnooRobots116 13d ago

Yes 16 and he was like 24/25


u/mitten2787 12d ago

occam's peado if you will.


u/its_hoods 13d ago

I mean him being the step dad is just as likely, if not more likely, than him being the actual father. Not many teen pregnancy relationships work out.


u/N0turfriend 13d ago

You're incorrect. The twitter thread had another picture of them from when she was 16 and he was 25.


u/_VagabondSoul_ 13d ago

Found her ... groomed and trained up.

Now kinda sorta stuck with her ... or shall be doing child payments direct from check.


u/RainDancingChief 13d ago

Wasn't uncommon for girls in my high school to date guys older/already graduated. Oddly enough it never worked the other way around.


u/el_guille980 13d ago

"if you got a dead body and you think his brother did it, your gonna find out youre right" - keyser soze


u/scarfireATL 13d ago

I thought that was the point. He was 24 and knocked up a 15 yr old.


u/CaptainKCCO42 13d ago

Innocent until proven guilty.


u/_VagabondSoul_ 12d ago

We are not the law.

So yes.

We all judge and apply those results in daily life ... to do otherwise is a fool living in a fable.


u/Xicadarksoul 12d ago

...tbh. if the energy the pic exudes would describe the results of teenage pregnancy, noone would take issues with US's abstinency only sexual "education"


u/_VagabondSoul_ 12d ago

This is US ??

No need to bash one when is ni different than any other.

Could be Canada or any European county ... plenty of young girls with "daddy" issues


u/Xicadarksoul 12d ago

US has a order of magnitude more teenage pregnancies than other developed nations.
Look it up!

...its one thing to have "daddy issues", it a whole another thing to raise a kid while you are a highschooler.


u/_VagabondSoul_ 12d ago



Selfhate is real in you. Pls do not tear down yourself anymore.

Africa ... as a whole is 46% teen 15 are pregnate

The comes in Thialand ... North Korea

not to be left out would be Austriala/New Zeland


u/Xicadarksoul 12d ago

I am not from the US but good effort, at ad hominem!


u/_VagabondSoul_ 12d ago

Did not say you were. I wrote self hate. Was not even implied. You choose to see as you desire the world to be.

Choosing to write to tear others down ... instead of taking 2 sec to look up facts ... fearful maybe?

Is ok.

Normal even ... with those that think themselve superior ... as yourself ... they also tear down self and others.

I forgive you sweetheart 😍


u/Xicadarksoul 12d ago

Did not say you were. I wrote self hate. Was not even implied. You choose to see as you desire the world to be.

...how does self hate apply, when i write about the shortfalls of US experience, hwne i am not american?

Why does pointing out shortfalls of educatin system that need to be improved qualify as:

with those that think themselve superior ... as yourself ... they also tear down self and others.

...did US education system attain personhood?

Will the feelings of the education system get hurt if i dare to criticize it without putting the critique in a compliment sandwich?


Sane people welcome criticism of broken institutions.
As its needed for positive change.
...i have no clue why US needs to conform to North Korean standards about criticizing institutions.

I forgive you sweetheart 😍

...are you aiming for the "Least insance opression olympics winner" award?

Forgive me for what?

For the major faux pas of pointing out fault with broken institutions so they could be improved upon?
For not being american and daring to exist?
For not being a good target for your ad hominem bullshit?


u/_VagabondSoul_ 12d ago

😍💞 my lost sweetheart, please sit, drink some cooling tea and calm down.

No need to get riled up when confronted with facts that rip away your fables in seconds.

I forgive you and embrace you.

Feel empowered and superior 😘

... just know you are utterly false to the bone and should not text foolish things that 2 sec google search disproved.

It is ok. All shall be good mi armor.

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u/Herr_Schulz_3000 13d ago

Nah, she was 15 when she did what she had to do. He was 24 at that time. No way he's the father of the 4yo.


u/Wor1dConquerer 13d ago

20-4 is 16. 16 is legal age in several states.


u/SharkWahlbergx 13d ago

Yeah then -9 months for the baby to actually hum grow. So if she was 16 when she had the kid that means she was probably under age you have a 3 month window and I doubt she was in that window before hand.


u/MisterSandKing 13d ago

Quit making sense! 😆


u/BallSuspicious5772 13d ago

Sorry forgot my place 😔


u/R-R-Clon 13d ago

Glad you learned your lesson!


u/Aceblue001 13d ago

Pretty sure this is the answer


u/Negative-Wrap95 13d ago

Narrator: It was not the answer.


u/IndependentNotice151 13d ago

They can't handle the answer


u/Aceblue001 13d ago

Nope! You’re right my faith in humanity can’t handle the answer.


u/Upbeat_Sheepherder81 13d ago

I don’t have any left so I’m ready for the answer.


u/Dirt_McGirt_ODB 13d ago

I’d say it’s a coin flip, it could go either way


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/BallSuspicious5772 13d ago

Yeah exactly like let’s not immediately jump to the worst conclusion


u/yankykiwi 13d ago

Or conceived in a country where 16 is legal. She’s probably close to 21 in the picture


u/Virtual-Okra6996 13d ago

I'm not getting what I'm supposed to be seeing.


u/ksj 13d ago

How old were the parents when the oldest was born? That should get you on the same page as everyone else.


u/Time_Reputation3573 13d ago

Actually, the real question is her age when the kid was conceived. 15 is the answer...


u/DonJuanEstevan 13d ago

Unless if she got pregnant within the first 12 weeks after turning 16…


u/Virtual-Okra6996 13d ago





u/glitterfaust 13d ago

That’s still a steep ass age gap. I’m in my mid twenties and a twenty year old would be way too immature and just in a way different place in life.


u/BallSuspicious5772 13d ago edited 13d ago

Oh for sure, it’s still very weird. I’m going on 22 and even I wouldn’t date someone younger than the US drinking age. Totally different stages in life. I’m just saying it’s not always statutory rape lol


u/feedmytv 13d ago

in many countries this would be the drinking age


u/BallSuspicious5772 13d ago

Okay I’m in America so drinking age is 21


u/Equal_Leadership2237 13d ago

It actually kinda looks like that, the kid has her nose, eyes, and chin from what I see: just has his hair style from what I can see.


u/XipingVonHozzendorf 13d ago

Maybe he is her nefew and her sister or brother died or was otherwise unable to care for the kid leaving him to their sister to raise.


u/Ok_Butterscotch54 13d ago

Sadly, that's the most Wholesome possibility. . .


u/NYSenseOfHumor 12d ago

They could both be step parents and they adopted the kid.


u/TAYwithaK 13d ago

They could simply be from NJ


u/Ok-Gate6899 13d ago

nowadays she could even be a step dad too


u/Frizzlebee 13d ago

I thought so, too, but there's some pretty strong resemblance between BOTH kids and the man, so not sure that's actually the case here.


u/GarvinSteve 13d ago

Look at you being so positive and hopeful.


u/conflictwatch 13d ago

It seriously looks like she's a single mum that met this guy and they had a baby?


u/DomitorGrey 11d ago

idk.... if that were the case, they would be painfully aware of the awkward assumptions & wouldn't highlight it.

This pair are clearly proud of their situation.