r/facepalm 13d ago

Now wait a damn minute 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/crescent-v2 13d ago

Who are these people? The post is running around social media today with no discussion of who they guy is.


u/lovenoggersandwiches 13d ago

Some couple from Albania, that's all what's known


u/WatercressSad6395 13d ago

Thank goodness! Wait, no, it's still icky, but for once, we are not the father..



u/Theban_Prince 13d ago

Teh vast vast majority of the world has age of consent at 16, Albania is at 14.


u/ForeverHall0ween 13d ago edited 13d ago

I love how we Americans are so quick to apply our standards to everything despite having a broken ass backwards country


u/Ok-Package-435 13d ago

More broken than Albania? I think not


u/IHateYoutubeAds 13d ago

As an Albanian, I concur


u/icouldntdecide 13d ago

Sure America is backwards in a lot of places but informed consent shouldn't be any different regardless of where you are in the world


u/Superfragger 13d ago

tyl the world doesn't conform to your personal worldview.


u/icouldntdecide 12d ago

Didn't realize informed consent was subjective.


u/Elloliott 13d ago

That might explain a bit actually


u/ThisIsSethers 13d ago

Well be that as it may, lawful doesn't mean ethical.


u/JustTrawlingNsfw 13d ago

Ethics come from the society you're in. A society where the age of consent is 14 will have very different ethics around this compared to a society where it's 18


u/Educational_Belt_816 13d ago

You realize in the majority of the world outside of America grown men marrying and having children with young teenagers is normal… and not criminal at all


u/lysregn 13d ago

Not normal.


u/wheresmyflan 13d ago

Maybe not criminal, but that shit ain’t normal.


u/TwistedEmily96 13d ago

Just be cause something is legal, doesn't mean it's right.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago



u/samiwas1 13d ago

Even in the US, most states are at 16.


u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

Age of consent is 14 years old in Albania according to Google. So while creepy by American (and possibly other countries) standards it is more normal in their culture. The age 14 does seem a bit young imo, especially for the age gap between the two.


u/NewBromance 13d ago

Tbh lots of things that are "technically legal" are still socially unacceptable.

The age of consent in the UK is 16 but if some dude in his 30s is getting with a 16 year old he will be socially called out on it by the local community.

Sure he won't have done anything illegal but he will have done something that the majority of UK citizens find disgusting and he will be judged for it, ostracised or depending on where about in the country beaten up.


u/blockedbydork 13d ago

It's also a Mohammedan country. They worship a paedophile, so I doubt anyone in their local community is going to be calling him out.


u/DefenestrationPraha 12d ago

You have never been to Albania, have you? And only rely on census data read without any context.

The commies exterminated religion in Albania down to the roots, few Albanians ever go to church or mosque. Albania is a mostly atheist country in practice, and not even Wahhabist proselytising campaign combined with fat grants for "reverts" was able to swing the population back towards religious practice.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

Right. My point is, it depends. In the UK, the age gap might be a problem but in other places it might be socially acceptable.


u/Bruh3030 13d ago

It would still be illegal, Age of consent is 14 but that only means that minors can have intercourse after 14 not that they can do it with adults (you could only do it with people lower than 18)


u/smorkoid 13d ago

That's generally not the case, and I think you just made that up


u/Unable_Recipe8565 13d ago

Why do you say stuff like you know it when its false?


u/hallo-und-tschuss 12d ago

I believe it’s to help them sleep better plus reddit is flooded with teenagers(HIghschoolers) now, and if they’re grown there’s a lot more growing to do. Don’t argue with people who don’t know how to reason.


u/Same_Confusion_475 13d ago

No. Thats not True. Even in Germany a 14 Year old can sleep with who ever she wants. It just can't be someone with power over her life, like teachers oder sig parents.


u/Humble-Budget8332 13d ago

Is it? In some countries adults can have sex with 14 year olds. Now I need to go and check again.


u/sublime81 12d ago

Whew. Man, I really thought you were about to say "Now I need to go...to some country that allows this".


u/Humble-Budget8332 12d ago

lol, no. I just thought I already found the right information. If you want to know I am right now in a country that allows this, though.


u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

Fair. I didn't make it a research project. Just a quick Google search out of curiosity.


u/Isburough 13d ago edited 13d ago

that is factually wrong.

there are close-in-age exceptions in some European countries, but not Albania. And even there it's always even lower than the legal age of consent


u/Skottimusen 13d ago

Wrong, there is no law that states that.


u/j_roe 13d ago

Really only American standards… and even in the US it isn’t a hard 18 many states have an ages of consent of 16 were there is no authority dynamic.


u/TucsonTacos 13d ago

Yeah other countries do it a little differently.

My fiancée’s sister was 15 when she got knocked up. At 16 she married the man before she had the baby. Her husband is 24. It doesn’t seem to be a problem with the age difference. It was a problem because she was 15 and the father didn’t want her married so young.


u/Taskicore 13d ago

25 and 16 isn't that bad. It's weird and I wouldn't do it but I don't think anyone is going to be traumatized for life lol


u/holyvirginslut 13d ago

Are you serious? No way! That is a full grown adult and a child. Even a 20 and 25 year old dating would be strange.


u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

20 and 25 is strange? What is an acceptable range then?


u/Taskicore 13d ago

You have to have been born on the same day, have the same income, work the same job, have within 5 IQ points of each other, and be the same physical strength in order to have a truly non-manipulative relationship.


u/Unable_Recipe8565 13d ago

2 minutes part Max difference


u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

Crap. My wife is a year and a half older than me. How do I break it to her that shes a felon and is gonna rot in prison?


u/holyvirginslut 13d ago

It depends on how old you are. I’d say after 25, any age difference doesn’t really matter since your brain is mostly developed. But when you’re younger, those few years matter.


u/Taskicore 13d ago

I'm not condoning it. I still think it's weird. It also, however, is perfectly within the law in the majority of the world, including the majority of US states. She obviously wasn't traumatized by it as you can see in the picture, and that's if the ages are even real. It's unethical but ultimately one of the less severe age gaps I've seen. There's guys in their 20s who go after 13 year olds.

I was in a brief "relationship" with a 22 year old woman when I was 15. I recognize that what she did to me was illegal but I don't really give a shit. Seeing that this woman apparently MARRIED the guy, I don't think it's right to barge into her life and inform her that actually she is a victim.


u/Bright-Inevitable-20 13d ago

Is this really a moment you want to be "technically correct"?? It's creepy. Full stop.


u/gurgle-burgle 13d ago

I'm not trying to be technically correct. What I'm saying is you need to look at things from around the world with some respect to the location and culture where it's occurring.

But I can appreciate your point too, just because something is accepted in another culture doesn't mean that makes it " Right".

The main point is, to at least consider another view point than the screeching eagle that is muricas view point.


u/BonnieMcMurray 13d ago

hat's all what's known

Known? Or "Someone posted it on social media and I decided it was true"?


u/lovenoggersandwiches 12d ago

Go and check on twitter


u/OlasNah 13d ago

That explains the beard


u/haddock420 13d ago



u/IlIllIlIllIlll 13d ago

Average creepy albanian


u/BlakesonHouser 12d ago

And she of consent is 14 in Albania, this post is a massive rage bait nothing burger 


u/lovenoggersandwiches 12d ago

Some of yall would fuck 10 year olds if it was legal 💀💀💀


u/BlakesonHouser 12d ago

I would not, but what I’m saying is this post is literally nothing. Yeah the dude is 8 years older, she had a kid at 16, ultra common in many countries outside the US, and people here are HOL UP WAT, when it’s just a fact of life in some places and normal 


u/lovenoggersandwiches 12d ago

I am from Kazakhstan, one of the few countries in Northern hemisphere that still has above 2.1 fertility rate with above three children on average per one woman in our country, our culture is very family oriented and yet this is still not normal for me. This man got her pregnant when she was 15 years old. At that age your brain is still not fully developed and so is your body. A normal 23 years old man wouldn't impregnate a school girl.


u/HewisLamilton_ 12d ago

In albania the age of consent is 14 so nothing wrong with that.


u/lovenoggersandwiches 12d ago

If it was 13, 12, 11 or 10, would that be ok too?


u/HewisLamilton_ 12d ago

But she was 15. I know it's strange for bigott delulu murricans but teenagers have sex all the time all over the world and yeah they sometimes get pregnant.


u/lovenoggersandwiches 12d ago

I am from Kazakhstan, mate. Don't think it's normal for a back then 23 years old guy to knock up a 15 years old school girl. One is doing her math home work while the other already got his bachelor's degree and has a work. There is too much difference mentally and 15 year old can have sex with her peers.


u/SpuddMeister 13d ago


I think you misspelled "Alabama".


u/Kylon1138 13d ago

Its not real

Why would you think it is?


u/DieCastDontDie 13d ago

That's how ragebait works


u/LittleBunInaBigWorld 13d ago

Random strangers posting engagement bait.


u/WatercressSad6395 13d ago

Happy Cake Day


u/Cardtastic 13d ago

Happy cake day! It’s my cake day too!


u/zephyr220 12d ago

What are you gonna do, try and break up their family now? Who cares?