r/doctorwho 5d ago

Currently doing a rewatch of 11 and Clara’s run together and I noticed something Discussion

Clara’s first line is “what chapter are you on” And when the kid responds “chapter 10” she says “oh you’ll love 11, 11s the best” which I think is a clever nod to his current regeneration, and I also never noticed that the painting in the beginning was of Clara


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u/technicolorrevel 4d ago

Subtle man, that Moffat.


u/KyrieFae 4d ago

^ Love this ✨

It works both as sarcasm and as a sincere note on his writing style.

For me, I think he's as subtle as a jackhammer outside your window at the crack of dawn but I also deeply relate to a lot of the themes he appears to really enjoy. It's probably different for others and I respect that. 😇


u/technicolorrevel 4d ago

I'd appreciate it more if he varied things up a bit.