r/doctorwho 2d ago

Currently doing a rewatch of 11 and Clara’s run together and I noticed something Discussion

Clara’s first line is “what chapter are you on” And when the kid responds “chapter 10” she says “oh you’ll love 11, 11s the best” which I think is a clever nod to his current regeneration, and I also never noticed that the painting in the beginning was of Clara


63 comments sorted by


u/sad_wolf_95 2d ago

The book was also written by Amelia Williams


u/GainsUndGames07 2d ago

Today I learned


u/J_train13 K-9 2d ago

Just to clarify this isn't some lore trivia or anything her name can be seen on the cover of the book in the shot


u/BigTourist3 1d ago

Same (tbh I forgot Rory’s last name was Williams) so I just put two and two together. I know I’m slow.


u/basaltinou 1d ago

Walt, he's not Mr Pond ? 😅


u/BigTourist3 1d ago

I guess not but to be fair Amy Williams has a nice ring to it


u/GenericRedditor7 2d ago

Moffat did that a lot lol, remember “11s hour is over now, now the clock strikes 12?” Or something like that in 11s last episode?


u/Duggy1138 2d ago

And "Asylum of the Daleks":

How much trouble, Mister Pond? Out of ten? Eleven.


u/J_train13 K-9 2d ago

The Doctor's room in the nightmare hotel was room 11


u/TheRealBertoltBrecht 2d ago

The Doctor had to find room 12 in Heaven Sent


u/TheRealBertoltBrecht 1d ago

Not doctor who, but Matt Smith had a very similar line in Morbius.


u/ThrawOwayAccount 2d ago

Also S5E1 literally being called The Eleventh Hour.


u/Mavian23 2d ago

Well to be fair, that one at least is an actual expression.


u/EclipseHERO 2d ago

Yeah, but it was being used as a pun in that context, because it referred to his 11th regeneration.


u/jimsug 2d ago

Interesting that it wouldn't have been his eleventh regeneration if it weren't for Ten's metacrisis regeneration, and still isn't if you count the War Doctor 🤣 Moffat really leaning into "there is no canon"


u/Unmissed 2d ago

...well, yeah. Moffat had to have his doctor be the oldest and last and...


u/SubGothius 2d ago

Prolly not least so he could solve the limited-regens conundrum and get the show past it, at least for another 12 regens to come.


u/mightylordredbeard 2d ago

I missed that completely until my most recent, current rewatch. When it finally clicked for me I was “ohhh shit!”

Reasons like that is why Moffat is my favorite show runner. RTD is okay, but I really didn’t get the excitement when he was revealed to be coming back. For me personally Moffat writes the best long term Who. Like that scene where Amy has to keep her eyes closed in the forrest and The Doctor comes back and says “you have to start trusting me..” then it’s revealed like so many episodes later that it was The Doctor from the future?


u/GenericRedditor7 2d ago

Yeah RTDs idea of an overarching plot is mentioning things in the finale like once an episode or even less (Bad wolf, Susan twist, prime minister Saxon, the stars are going out), Moffat does actual plots for better or worse


u/NotMalaysiaRichard 2d ago

Yes, like how Oswin is introduced in the Asylum of the Daleks and then Victoria Clara, then Companion Clara and then the reveal in the Name of the Doctor.


u/raphael_disanto 2d ago

I loved that.


u/heelstoo 2d ago

God, that was so good when they showed it later.


u/Goulagosh_gogoo 2d ago

I don’t get it.


u/GenericRedditor7 2d ago

The 11th doctors leaving - “11s hour is over now”

The 12th doctors being introduced - “now the clock strikes 12”


u/alex494 2d ago

There's also the whole clock motif with 12th's opening titles


u/EclipseHERO 2d ago

11th Doctor's first episode: The 11th Hour.

11th Doctor's last episode: "11's hour is over now"

11th Doctor in between: has spent hundreds of years pottering about

That's one HELL of a long hour!


u/goalcoffee 1d ago

Personally, I think that's one hell of a bird.


u/-OswinPond- 2d ago

Wooosh (?)


u/GenericRedditor7 2d ago



u/-OswinPond- 2d ago

"I don't get it" is what Eleven answers to the poem.


u/GuyWithTheGoods 2d ago

Yes, in Night of The Doctor. It was funny how 11 smirked and didn't get it.


u/Standard-Pop6801 2d ago

Season 7 had a lot of wink to the camera moments like that. Even compared to other seasons.


u/mightylordredbeard 2d ago

Was S7 when Clara literally turned and winked to the camera?


u/Standard-Pop6801 2d ago

I don't know. But if it had to happen at any time, then it would be season 7 Clara. Girl was a wimzy overdose.


u/mightylordredbeard 2d ago

It was whichever episode she first appeared in that I’m thinking of. The very last scene of her as a Dalek. “Run you clever boy, and remember.” Then she turns and winks at the camera.


u/askryan 1d ago

But if there's a fourth wall break, doesn't that mean she's one of the pantheon or she knows she's in a TV show?!?!?!?! 0/10 ruined my childhood



u/technicolorrevel 2d ago

Subtle man, that Moffat.


u/KyrieFae 2d ago

^ Love this ✨

It works both as sarcasm and as a sincere note on his writing style.

For me, I think he's as subtle as a jackhammer outside your window at the crack of dawn but I also deeply relate to a lot of the themes he appears to really enjoy. It's probably different for others and I respect that. 😇


u/technicolorrevel 2d ago

I'd appreciate it more if he varied things up a bit. 


u/Critical-Tank 2d ago

12 also did lots of references to the number 12 but I can't remember them off the top of my head now. I do love catching them on rewatches!


u/RigatoniPasta 2d ago

The wall in Heaven Sent was in Room 12


u/ConfusedGrundstuck 2d ago

"On a scale of 1 - 10 how much danger are we in?" "Eleven"

It was also done in lots of other episodes too. In the slitheen 2-Parter, the emergency code announcing the reveal of The Doctor is "Code 9" :)


u/TheMTM45 2d ago

I knew about chapter 11 but I never noticed the painting. That’s cool


u/BigTourist3 1d ago

Yeah, it is really cool and another cool detail that you can notice is in the bottom corner of the painting it literally says “run you clever boy” which is a really awesome nod


u/Gargus-SCP 2d ago

Steven "The" Moffat beating the viewer's head with a baseball bat marked "DID YOU KNOW THIS GUY IS THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR HOLY SHIT" every single episode in the back half of Smith's tenure.


u/Duggy1138 2d ago

How many times did this take you?


u/BigTourist3 1d ago

Well, here’s the thing it’s more like I got some references because I had seen the episode with her originally when she was in the episode with Amy and Rory as the Dalek but other references, such as the painting and the “chapter 11” kind of went over my head because I was so engaged with the episode episode that I didn’t take the time to slow down and look through everything


u/MrPBrewster 2d ago

You think uh??


u/Ulquiorra1312 2d ago

Clara’s first line is did you make this snowman


u/Duggy1138 2d ago

"Day three six three. The terror continues. Also, made another soufflé, very nearly. Check defences. They came again last night. Still always at night. Maybe they're vampires. Oh, and it's my mum's birthday. Happy birthday, mum. I did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live."


u/Ulquiorra1312 2d ago

Ah feck I forgot asylum


u/Duggy1138 2d ago edited 2d ago

If you're going to be pedantic you've got to know your stuff.


u/Ulquiorra1312 2d ago

Yeah I need to stop commenting for a while I’m only upto bells of saint john


u/SunGodGumo 2d ago

Even then, with that logic that wouldn’t be her first line, it would be in asylum of the daleks


u/SunGodGumo 2d ago

The post is clearly talking about companion Clara, not Victorian Clara. Yes I know they’re the same person but come on.


u/Ulquiorra1312 2d ago

I’m only just upto bells of Saint John so not fully up on 11


u/ConfusedGrundstuck 2d ago

Yeah but... that doesn't counter those points lol If you're up to Bells Of Saint John then you already know of those 2 prior characters. Further knowledge of the series isn't required.


u/Ulquiorra1312 2d ago

Yeah but I already replied that I forgot asylum i meant I don’t know what is going on with her yet so didn’t know how Clara’s arc progressed past bells


u/SunGodGumo 1d ago

What does not knowing Clara continues in the show have to do with her first line in the show? Even then, if that’s your logic why comment


u/Ulquiorra1312 1d ago

I mean I don’t know how they are all connected for all I know they’re the same person with memories altered I assume not from replies and I don’t want spoilers but there are a lot of scenarios where they are one person

Reminder I have only seen asylum of the darleks and the snowmen at this point Clara wise


u/EmergencyGrab 2d ago

I wonder if Mrs Flood is related to Clara, and they both are of the species called Storytellers.


u/WrongKindaGrowth 2d ago

Lol. Ooook