r/comics 5d ago

Strong Hollering Role Model

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u/holleringelk Hollering Elk 5d ago

I love you so damn much, this is adorable as always. I very quickly became a huge fan of your work as well. Looking out for your comics has become a daily positive perk of my routine, and it's no secret that I am all about the wholesome father energy. A chuckle a day keeps the vet away. Thank you for alighting upon this subreddit with your charming presence and for your support of my work! You da best, ❤️❤️❤️


u/epicmousestory 5d ago

All this love and support among artists is so great to see.

That being said when do we get round two of the r/Comics civil war?


u/FieldExplores 5d ago


u/Pizzacakecomic PizzaCake 5d ago

Don't make me call my lawyers, Gator boy.

(Jk I ❤️ your stuff lol)


u/FieldExplores 5d ago


u/AsASloth 5d ago

This whole thread between you, HolleringElk, and PizzaCake has made my week. Thank you all so much!


u/raptordrew 4d ago

What's a sea sand diss cyst?

Sounds like a rap battle thing or something, I dunno


u/dmurrieta72 4d ago

“Cease and desist” :)


u/raptordrew 4d ago

I'm aware what it is, I was making a joke in reference to the panel :-)


u/CodeRed8675309 5d ago

Honestly the wholesome and scary friendships you all have made on here just makes the comics that much more entertaining.