r/clevercomebacks 4d ago

Crazy how that works!

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u/Novatash 4d ago

Hey I recognize that pfp! Big Joel! He has a youtube channel with a lot of good videos. He's really good at dissecting stories to analyze their themes and subtext, and although he's not a channel about Disney movies, he's talked about them a lot. I recently watched his videos about his opinion on a few DreamWorks movies like Shrek and Shark Tale


u/Novatash 4d ago

In case it wasn't clear, Big Joel is the one who had the clever comeback, not the one who made the original tweet


u/Zarathustra404 3d ago

Don't you even start! I wont have any of this Little Joel slander. Big Joel is such a leech off Little Joel.


u/Novatash 3d ago

Everyone is saying this to me but I guess I haven't watched the video where this joke was established yet😂

Which one was it


u/Zarathustra404 3d ago

Oh hahaha he just has a second channel, Little Joel, where he does shorter (and usually funnier, less serious) videos. The contents just joke about how he "looks like Big Joel, you two should collab" type of jokes lol continuing here because I love it hahaha


u/Novatash 3d ago

Ohhh okay. I'm aware of Little Joel, but I never read the comments, so I didn't know, lol