r/clevercomebacks 4d ago

Crazy how that works!

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u/CutLow8166 4d ago

Well yeah, you were a kid so you didn’t know it was political. I mean when Princess and the Frog came out there was some outrage about being too woke and having a black princess was somehow placating to minorities.


u/CirnoIzumi 4d ago

I doubt emperor's new groove was particularly political 


u/metalpoetza 4d ago

It's literally a movie about how it's the obligation of the government to care for the wellbeing of the citizens!


u/blueechoes 4d ago

I thought it was a movie about how polymorph potions are not a viable coup strategy.


u/TheHolyWaffleGod 4d ago

I thought it was a movie about how hot Kronk is


u/Wyndrarch 4d ago

I thought it was a movie highlighting the importance of properly labelling Kuzko's poison.


u/RosalieCooper 4d ago

Ah yes, the poison meant for Kuzko


u/Icy-Performer-9688 4d ago

I thought the movie was about not pulling the wrong lever! Or piss of a squirrel.


u/Golden-Owl 4d ago

Kuzko’s poison.

That poison?


u/Kusko25 4d ago

I'm sorry, poison for who?


u/A-Dashing-Rogue 3d ago



u/Tempestblue 4d ago

I thought it was about squek squek squekums squeker


u/attackplango 4d ago

Current Kronk, or one of the previous or future Kronks?


u/Karnewarrior 4d ago

As a noita veteran, I can confirm that Polymorphine always hurts the user more than anyone else.


u/Plus_Operation2208 4d ago

I feel your pain


u/bigballsaxolotl 3d ago

I thought it was a movie about levers. 


u/AaronRodgersMustache 4d ago

Don’t know if that person has watched it as an adult lol


u/RopeWithABrain 4d ago

I don't think it's "politics" specifically that people complain about, I think it's "pandering to politics" that they feel.

What I mean is I don't see complaints about all politics, only when it's hot-topic, recent, controversial "politics".

Like, personally I don't consider minorities existence as "politics", but race/gender is a hot topic for politicians. We'll see people complain about minorities casting all the time as "politics" but what they really mean is "pandering".

I'm not saying I agree with them, only pointing out the detail no one seems to acknowledge. The white elephant in the room. (That it's not just "politics")


u/Olidreh 4d ago

It's been so many years and there are still morons giving racists the benefit of the doubt.

I just hope one day you understand you're part of the problem.


u/RopeWithABrain 3d ago

Dude chill you're barking up the wrong tree. I specifically said I'm not defending them, just specifying what they're complaining about.


u/briangraper 4d ago

You just highlighted pretty well that what people think of as “political issues” changes over the decades.

Being black or gay used to be super “political”. Now, those things seem kinda solved (or at least not argued as much) and it’s about being trans or a drag queen.

Disney has always tried to write stories current with the politics of the time, albeit in a safe family-friendly way.


u/RopeWithABrain 3d ago

Right, that's what I'm saying, your first 2 paragraphs. I disagree on the 3rd though: Disney was not always progressive (but that was before any of the films mentioned in the pic).

I think people complain about it more now because it's become more prevalent in politics. Before racism and misogyny were just accepted and the as time went on the strive for equality has been met equaly with those who feel threatened by equality, so there's a lot more pushback. We didn't have "go woke go broke" because those people were a smaller audience. Sure they were probably racist and misogynistic back then still, but now more of those people feel emboldened in their bigotry.


u/briangraper 3d ago

I don’t disagree that we are currently in a wave of conservative pushback. For a while the conservatives were being begrudgingly dragged forward. They didn’t like it, and they grumbled, but they saw the inevitable tide of progress. But now…the recent rallying cry that not only is all this progress bad…but it’s literally going to steal their children. Now they’ve got a war to fight.

Anyway, I still think that Disney has always kept current with the opinions of the day. I don’t mean that they push the envelope. No, no. More like they will push an angle when they feel like it gets safe to talk about politically. We’re seeing gay characters NOW, not 20 years ago. Give it another 10-15, and maybe we’ll see trans characters.


u/RopeWithABrain 3d ago

Yup, I fully share the stance youve made, thank you for elaborating.


u/TraditionalSpirit636 3d ago

People care about current issues more than issues that aren’t current??!!

Do you have any other wisdom for us?


u/zeppanon 4d ago

It absolutely is, and was, political. Whether or not it was percieved as political has more to do with if Fox News picked up on it at the time...


u/Capable_Set3158 4d ago

Just having brown people as main characters is "political" to the people this post is making fun of.


u/Hippies_are_Dumb 3d ago

I thought this was a euphemism for PC.

The movie may bot have seemed serious, it definitely was initially conceived as a cultural movie before being made a comedy. 

Saw an interesting making of YouTube doc that talked about how it was a completely different movie that got scrapped and redone.


u/CirnoIzumi 3d ago

That's weirdly not unusual for disney


u/Rmans 4d ago edited 4d ago

Millenials are the last generation to remember actual politics happening on C-span 3. If only because of how memorably boring it was.

What we think of as "politics" now is a microwaved, reality TV show version of it marketed as "real" by the "real" news channels. None of these people are real politicians - specifically in that none of them know how to perform their roll to the benefit of the people. Either through gullibility, age, or pure narcisim, the idiots we have holding office now are incapable of choosing country over corporate or party lines. And that is by design.

That is why we have these awful options. It's political theater. The idea of government as a forum to discuss what's best does not work when there's no discussion. And our candidates no longer participate in any form of critical thinking that would qualify as that kind of discussion.

This last debate is pretty good proof of that. And if you want to know how good that proof is, then just YouTube "Highschool Dabate Championships" to see what a good debate is supposed to look like.

What we get instead, now going on decades, is the equivalent of going to an NBA game to see professional basketball, and instead it's a team of 10 year olds missing every shot and breaking all the rules because the refs don't care.

These empty suits are all to serve as a distraction from the fact we should be running for office, not just voting between which fake Wrestler we think will get our country to fake Wrestlemania. We have fake politicians and fake border crisis', because the real power of our democracy is in holding office to participate in it, not just choosing between the two bad options presented to us as real ones.

Voting alone doesn't get you a real politician. People that want to listen and help, and will take the time to do so, that's how you get a real politician.

It's not hard. It's great pay. And it's a popularity contest being run by the biggest losers that everyone hates. Winning seats from these posers has never been easier.

If you want real politicians. Become one.


Anyway, that's my way of saying no one would find emporers New Groove political because it came out when there was still an amount of real politicians around. And real politicians don't care about llama cartoons being woke.

Apologies for my soap box.


u/cat_prophecy 3d ago

then just YouTube "Highschool Dabate Championships" to see what a good debate is supposed to look like.

I was just thinking about how how Biden and Trump would get crushed at a National Forensics tournament.


u/Rmans 3d ago

Agreed. And they would be crushed by the worst performing team there without question.


u/Olidreh 4d ago

It has literally been that way since way, way before you were born, what the fuck are you talking about?


u/Rmans 3d ago edited 3d ago

No offense. You are objectively wrong.

The internet, social media, and Fox News didn't exist in the days of free AOL CD's let alone far before I was born. Politics was contained to C-span like I said.

News was still objective even in the early days of the internet. Here's an LA times article from the year 2000 on the Bush Gore decision that is clearly unbiased and well resourced proving my point exactly. It looks and reads nothing like anything you'd find from a modern news source today. And this was just 24 years ago.

Cable news and the introduction of the 24/7 news cycle made politics a ubiquitous all encompassing conversation being had around you at all times. Elections cycles now never end, when they lasted maybe a couple months when I could first vote.

So now everything is political, instead of only being found when channel surfing at 3am and hitting C-span 3.


u/Olidreh 3d ago

News was still objective

Almost had me in the first half but you need to say less obviously idiotic stuff to be a good troll.


u/Rmans 3d ago

Show me how it's idiotic instead of wildly gesturing in the opposite direction of the reasonable proof I provided?


u/tomatoe_cookie 3d ago

News has never been objective.


u/Rmans 3d ago edited 3d ago

No shit. Consider this - I'm not measuring their objectivity as some binary concept of yes/no they're objective, I'm measuring it by how measurably worse their objectivity has gotten over the last decades while also simultaneouslu reaching everywhere now.

We got rid of the fairness doctrine in the 80's, when the news was on for maybe an hour of your television night and only contained politics when an election was a couple months away.

Now, with 24/7 cable, and no objective guarantee from the fairness doctrine - the "news" is a 24/7 stream of tabloid bullshit, talking heads, and a sprinkle of real journalism that you can't escape. Multiple "news" stations spouting completely opposing views of reality at a full fever of outrage and politics is now the norm.

It was NOT the norm when you could only find that shit on C-span3. That is my point.

I mean most millenials remember a time when their parents and loved ones personalities weren't completely centered around politics.

Reality was much different just 24 years ago when the voices on the news weren't fucking everywhere due to technology.

And it was even better when those voices were limited to an hour of television and forced to uphold a "fairness" doctrine in presenting political opinions.

To say it is the same now as it was then is to ignore the very large scale objectivity can be measured on, falsely assuming perfect objectivity is an easily achievable goal. Philosophically, God is the only one that can be completely objective, so unlike you I'm not going to hold news to that standard.

News has never been objective, but historically there were laws attempting to force it to be. Ones we got rid of. More importantly, news wasn't being power washed into every crack of American life.

We were objectively better off as a country when whatever political bias the news had was only exposed to us on C-span (and forced to follow legally binging objectivity guidelines). That is my point.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

When they were growing up, politics was effortless. Then when they started paying attention, everyone in politics went crazy.


u/elbenji 3d ago

not really? There used to be some level of decorum and respect. i.e watching C-SPAN. Shit didn't really get crazy until Newt outside of some wild periods, that get notably remembered for being wild (McCarthyism, etc). Or pre-civil war when people used to get caned or the shit knocked out of them on the senate floor


u/Olidreh 3d ago

People literally used to murder each other in a duel if they disagreed lmao you people are delusional


u/elbenji 3d ago

well yeah. They stopped doing that around the Civil War

They're clearly talking about CSPAN. Insulting people doesn't make you smart. Just makes you seem rude and unable to control yourself


u/arffield 3d ago

Weird, I don't remember politics being a reality show parody when I was growing up.


u/Olidreh 3d ago

So you brainlets will just literally repeat the same idiotic point this post made fun of huh? Let me guess, you still touch an active stove to see if it hurts huh?


u/N1XT3RS 3d ago

I mean it’s not quite the same point, there’s a difference between acknowledging political influences and political degradation


u/arffield 3d ago

I have no idea wtf you're talking about


u/Olidreh 3d ago

Yea, that checks out.


u/arffield 3d ago

Sorry normal people have never touched a hot stove on purpose. Apparently you had to do that for a while or something. I guess some people learn slowly or not at all lmao.


u/Olidreh 3d ago

Oh god I hope you're a little kid


u/arffield 3d ago

Gross dude

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u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/Rmans 3d ago

There's an Olympic Gold Medalist that's also had a successful career in the WWE. Is the gold medal he won as fake and devoid of actual wrestling skill as the WWE?

There's a form of debate literally called, "Policy" that has a very legitimate set of rules and guidelines. There is without doubt a level of skill required to win policy debates as the rules go far beyond just charisma and personaliy.

If you watched these debates in action you'd understand that it's a sport, not just entertainment.


u/TraditionalSpirit636 3d ago

Did you watch the debate?

Thats still true. Facts haven’t mattered for a while now.


u/TraditionalSpirit636 3d ago

The one where the ruler had to realize his population ODs made of people with feelings?

The movie where you realize that power and gold corrupt but family matters even at your lowest?

No messages there. Not at all.


u/CirnoIzumi 3d ago

Family is what matters is a super common moral in films 


u/TraditionalSpirit636 3d ago


Doesn’t change my point just cause other films use it too.


u/azure_exotics 3d ago

Was this satirical?