r/aww 5d ago

Hans meeting pet rat for the first time 🥹

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u/triplefoul 5d ago

They're great companions. Social. Affectionate. Friendly note, they do best with a friend.


u/TitaniumDragon 5d ago

The problem is they don't live very long (2-3 years) so while they're very cute they also don't make it all that long so if you get attached, you are going to be sad. And you will get attached, because they are cute and friendly.


u/Joka0451 4d ago

Yea my last boy Beans was free range, litter trained and so sweet. 9ne day during a board game n8ght he came out of his cage, climbed the table and visited every player then came to me, licked me and curled up in my lap and died.

They're so sweet little creatures but that was it for me.


u/crystalzelda 4d ago

I’ve always wanted a pet rat but I think this comment just dissuaded me for good. That is so fucking traumatic, omg, I would have to be sedated.

I am so sorry.


u/Joka0451 4d ago

No honestly. he was 4 years old which is ANCIENT for a ratty. They are the sweetest, playful, affectionate, loving animals. Also very clean and can be litter trained (rats being stinky and dirty is mostly a myth. Cheese makes em stink. if you dont clean their toilet areas they will stink). It is hard to watch them go but it is natural (well they would live much shorter lives in the wild unless theyre lucky.)

When friends asked what theyre like I say its like having tiny puppies!

Baby rats are called Kittens too btw!


u/Ok_Cardiologist8232 4d ago

Its not a myth they are are stinky and dirty, its just wild rats are well wild.

And they are immune to a lot of diseases, so wild rats spread disease because they get them and don't die from them.

So they got hate for being little badasses.