r/aww 5d ago

Hans meeting pet rat for the first time 🥹

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u/Mystiic_Madness 5d ago

Good thing it's not a terrier...


u/UnhealingMedic 5d ago

You mean this video of a pit bull terrier?


u/Macohna 5d ago

Yea he definitely didn't think this one through lol.

It's also a Staffordshire Bull terrier. But I'm just being an ass, sry amigo.


u/UnhealingMedic 5d ago

What's the difference? Asking genuinely


u/After-Historian3606 4d ago

Not much, but staffie owners like to think their dogs are super different from pits.


u/Wide_Combination_773 4d ago

The difference is negligible, staffie owners are just dorks about it because they don't want them to be lumped in with other dogs that have bad reputations so they try to say they aren't pit bulls.

edit: just saw this was already answered, hadn't refreshed my page in an hour.


u/UnhealingMedic 4d ago edited 4d ago

So how do you know if this is a staffie if you can't really tell the difference? 

 Edit: oh maybe it's a joke. My b if so. Reading hardÂ