r/aww 7d ago

I fed this female box tortoise some raspberries at the beginning of the summer. Now, she follows me all over the garden, and visits me almost daily looking for handouts.

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u/Fantastic-You9420 7d ago

There was an article in the Washington Post (last year?) about a man who had property in the wild who wanted to keep it so. He finally found a buyer who would keep it the same. There was a box turtle on the property who visited the man every spring for strawberries. After the sale, the new owner invited the previous owner to return. The man called for the turtle and it came, running as fast as it could to see its old friend and get a strawberry. 🥹


u/btveron 7d ago

I'd love a link because I tried a dozen differently worded google searches and have only gotten articles about sea turtle migration and threats to it, Snapping turtles in Cape Cod, and the real estate market in DC.