r/americandad 4d ago

Burned Francine cosplay? Episode Discussion

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Found in the FB wilds


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u/WetNWildWaffles 4d ago

The comments here are insane. Making fun of a burn victim clearly trying to compensate for her condition. What the fuck


u/Ks26739 4d ago

Do...you know what sub you're in? Or am I the one missing the joke?


u/grunt527 4d ago

what is the joke actually? That this disfigured woman looks like Francine when she got acid thrown in her face?

I mean it is interesting that she looks like francine, but it is kind of fucked up to be making fun of her.

Is there more context to this picture? Is it real? or AI generated?

If it is an actual person, I just feel bad about it. I am surprised something like this even is allowed on this subreddit and doesnt break any rules.


u/brandedlcie Clip Clop 4d ago

It’s a drag queen named Pearl doing her Roxanne persona. It’s horrifying and it’s prosthetics.


u/popularpumpkin11 Klaus Heisler 4d ago

Pearl x Dragula, the crossover I need in 2025. I legit thought I was in that sub when I scrolled onto this post