r/XboxSeriesX Nov 15 '22

Xbox hasn't had an exclusive game nominated to the Game Awards for 10 years now. :Discussion: Discussion

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u/andyb2383 Nov 15 '22

Agreed. We need to demand better.


u/HallwayHomicide Nov 15 '22

I mean.... They've heard the demands.

Xbox has changed a lot over the last 5 years, specifically to address this problem.

Xbox is trying to get out of a massive hole.

It's a bummer that it's taking so long, but it's a really difficult thing to do.

I have hope they can pull it off, but as of today, it is mostly hope.

I do think Late 2021 showed the potential that Xbox has. Psychonauts 2, Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5 were all incredible (I realize my Halo opinion is controversial, sorry)

Now we just need to see that potential continue.


u/Ty-douken Nov 15 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

Couldn't have said it better myself. I've always played all sides & loved Forza Horizon 5, but being completely honest about it racing games aren't going to win GOTY or likely even be in the talks these days.

Also there's the fact that Microsoft lacks the 2 biggest categories which Playstation & Nintendo are slowly merging together in a variety of ways, third-person action/adventure & RPGs.

I know personally I prefer third-person to first-person, which seems to have been the focus of Xbox & their acquired studios. Not that I don't enjoy first-person games, but I always think while playing most of them, "this would be way better in third-person".

Let's hope Fable & Hellblade 2 can start to bridge the game. I'd also have preferred Perfect Dark to be third-person, but that just might be me wanting a damn new Splinter Cell game.


u/WannabeWaterboy Nov 15 '22

damn jew Splinter Cell game

I'm not sure what Jews have to do with third-person games...


u/Frogtoadrat Nov 15 '22

Sorry... The MEEEDIA splinter cell game


u/Ty-douken Nov 15 '22

Omg, lol. That's an amazing mistake on my part, but let me defend it. I want a Splinter Cell game with a Jewish protagonist, make Sam Fisher convert & give that man a yamaka.


u/tronn4 Nov 15 '22

Covert foreskin action


u/StoneGoldX Nov 15 '22

Metal Gear already has you covered. Otacon, probably Meryl.


u/Ty-douken Nov 15 '22

That's actually a series I couldn't get into at the time it was coming out, the gameplay just didn't work ork the way I'd wanted it to. I've been meaning to give it another go again, but I'm referring to mgs 1-3, I'm sure I'll enjoy 5 & likely 4 when I get to them. I do prefer the stereotypical military action story of Conviction & Blacklist though.


u/TimidPanther Nov 15 '22

Sam Fishberg


u/SerGreentea Dec 07 '22

The final boss of the game is Kanye West


u/maxxiepadds Nov 15 '22

Splinter Cell chaos Jew... good game