r/XboxSeriesX Scorned 29d ago

State of Decay Dynamic Background Discussion

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Hopefully this is a sign we will finally see SoD3 at the Xbox Showcase, bit random adding this now otherwise


37 comments sorted by


u/SirCietea Scorned 29d ago

Turns out it's for the 6 year anniversary of the game but still...


u/Sh4rpSp00n 29d ago

Been waiting for something from somewhere but so far it's just the 1 trailer that had nothing to do with the game and then silence, is pretty depressing innit


u/ArchDucky 16d ago

It hasn't been silent. Matt Booty said a year ago that we would get deep dives on State of Decay 3 and Perfect Dark this year. Something akin to the Indy, Avowed & Hellblade 2 deep dives we got last year.


u/Sh4rpSp00n 15d ago

Would be the first time I've heard that but it's welcome news if so


u/That0ne-Dude 29d ago

People don't realize that when it was first announced, it was still in the early planning stages and not in development. It's microsofts fault for mentioning it too soon, but most likely cause they didn't really have anything else to mention.


u/Sh4rpSp00n 29d ago

I am aware, doesn't mean i can't still be miffed about it


u/MustardTiger1337 28d ago

Seems like the easiest of the announced games to make.

The 2nd one was a few steps away from being a above average game


u/Altruistic-Daikon687 28d ago

SoD2 is a fantastic game. Criminally underrated.


u/Sh4rpSp00n 28d ago

Agreed i loved the first and prayed the second would be coop, was a very happy bunny when it turned out that it was


u/MustardTiger1337 28d ago

Love it as well! Just a few small changes would make it night and day. A coop fix would make it better over night


u/Number9dream68 24d ago

It's in my top ten of all-time favourite video games. I've been gaming since space invaders, so it's had a lot of competition.


u/N7Diesel 29d ago

That's just game development but don't let me interrupt your inborn British depression. lol


u/Sh4rpSp00n 29d ago

Nice one mate


u/migswrite 28d ago

Is it worth playing any of them?

Just got my first xbox with the series x so I never played any of them. I heard mixed things on these games. 


u/SirCietea Scorned 28d ago

I've played both, put more time into 2 but I haven't played since the year it released so can't really speak to the version we have today but I enjoyed what I've played of both


u/ArchDucky 16d ago

They are fun games but thing about them is that you can tell Undead Labs was trying very hard to work above their budget constraints. The second game was AA but it really felt like they were hitting above their weight class. For the third game, Microsoft expanded the studio and gave them a proper AAA budget. I really think SoD3 will be the game where the creators vision meets what they can actually do. It could truly end up being something special.


u/Historical_Noise7638 29d ago

Looks pretty great tho


u/KYlaker233 28d ago

I’d say they will definitely reveal something about the game.


u/senseibarbosa 29d ago

Yeah, it feels like SoD3 is on its way! I'm ready, baby!


u/FrequentlyFloundered 28d ago

They need to do more of these or allow us to create our own.


u/Hashleybro 27d ago

I wish they released these more frequently.


u/Esketittie Craig 28d ago

Bruh I literally just started playing again today


u/kaelis7 Founder 26d ago

The only dynamic thing about this franchise sadly.


u/Thebitterpilloftruth 25d ago

Absolute bollocks.


u/Prize_Ad7439 24d ago

That’s cool


u/Couinty 29d ago

SoD 3, Avowed, Indiana Jones, Senua 2, Fable, Clockwork Revoultion, pls microsoft let these games shine before killing xbox…


u/Eglwyswrw 29d ago

Hell will freeze over before Microsoft kills Xbox. lol

It survived the pS2 (which outsold OG Xbox almost 7 to 1) and the XB1's Kinect fiasco. Haters and simpletons have been whispering about the death of Xbox for over twenty years now...


u/Shotintoawork 28d ago

Haters and simpletons have been whispering about the death of Xbox for over twenty years now...

Seriously. All the way back to the picture of the three dorks pointing and laughing at the Duke getting passed around.


u/cardonator Craig 28d ago

I remember the UT2004 meme where the Xbox was the Manta and pancaking someone.

Especially ironic now because the PS5 is larger than the OG Xbox was.


u/Crazydutchman80 29d ago

Speaking of this game, why does it get so many updates, feels like every week it updates..


u/mediafred 28d ago

Because it's a good fucking game? You want it to die or something?


u/Crazydutchman80 28d ago

Wow, no need to get offended, I was only asking a question..


u/Thebitterpilloftruth 25d ago

I mean its common sense though? It was a dumb question.


u/Crazydutchman80 25d ago

Lol, common sense? And there is no such thing as a dumb question.


u/Thebitterpilloftruth 24d ago

Yes sir there are dumb questions.

And common sense yes. A game is popular and has a community, thus constant updates.


u/Crazydutchman80 24d ago

Let's agree to disagree. Enjoy it.