r/XboxSeriesX Apr 20 '24

This generation has been underwhelming Discussion

I bought a Series X at launch, and can’t think of a single game that has impressed me this gen. I’m a big Halo fan, and Halo Infinite felt like a letdown. I’m a Forza fan, and Forza Motorsport felt like a massive disappointment. I was exited for Starfield, but was underwhelmed after playing it.

It just feels like we’ve had no heavy hitters this gen, even 3rd party AAA games have been average at best. I guess the only hope I have left is with Gears 6, but aside from that, Microsoft needs to get their act together and start releasing some new games. It feels like games are taking way too long to make these days, we used to get bangers every year in the 360 gen. Even the Xbox One had more compelling games than what we have now


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u/LibertyIAB Apr 21 '24

This gen has been underwhelming all round - PS5 included. All we're getting is prettied up remakes of old games I've already played 2 or 3 times including remakes of their former versions.

That's fine for newbies but I've been gaming since the 80's & I want NEW games not remakes at the cheeky bollocks price of £70.

RE 5/6, TLOU3/4, Dark Space 3/4 etc Have to say though, my XSX gets even less playtime because MS just aren't releasing any good exclusive titles. I find myself playing Gears 1-3 over & over.


u/Datfooljamal Apr 21 '24

PS5 has been great so far. Returnal, FF16, Horizon, Spider-Man 2, Ratchet and Clank, FF Rebirth, HellDivers 2, God of War and Stellar Blade soon. Sony has had a good run so far imo


u/cardonator Craig Apr 22 '24

Half of those games have been pretty big disappointments, TBH. Also, none of them feel like something they really couldn't have made on the last gen. I agree that this gen has been underwhelming, and it has been on both sides. There is so far no standout game that really feels like it's justifying a new console generation by any stretch. Having basic raytracing and fast loading times is good but not great.


u/Fluffy_Space_Bunny Apr 22 '24

Which ones have you played on your PS5 that you didn't like?


u/cardonator Craig Apr 22 '24

To be clear, I enjoyed most of those games. I simply found them to be disappointing and expected much more out of the dev teams creating them. Spider-Man 2, while I enjoyed it, is probably my biggest disappointment of the last few years. The game took it way too safe and the story is very weak narratively.


u/LibertyIAB Apr 22 '24

MOST of the games released have also been PS4 as well so PS5 users hamstrung again! - only a handful of games PS5 only. Get this - I preferred HZD to HFW (I realise it was PS4 too) gameplay was better, TLOU2 wasn't a patch on 7 years earlier PS3 title TLOU - boring long drawn out politically correct storyline & even the prettied up PS5 version only had 1 thing going for it & that was the reasonable upgrade price of a tenner.

AND Sony are touting a PS5 Pro.... We haven't even scratched the service of the base model yet... I'll wait for the PS6, there's no need for a Pro.


u/cardonator Craig Apr 22 '24

Completely agreed. That's a huge contributor to why so many of them feel like they are just "glowed up" PS4 games instead of truly PS5 games. I also preferred HZD to HFW, TLOU to TLOU2, SM to SM2. I think GOWR is probably the only sequel that I felt was a worthwhile successor to the previous game (although still felt like a PS4 game), but I also had issues with it.

It just reinforces the idea that this generation has been completely underwhelming. For everyone.