r/XboxSeriesX Apr 20 '24

This generation has been underwhelming Discussion

I bought a Series X at launch, and can’t think of a single game that has impressed me this gen. I’m a big Halo fan, and Halo Infinite felt like a letdown. I’m a Forza fan, and Forza Motorsport felt like a massive disappointment. I was exited for Starfield, but was underwhelmed after playing it.

It just feels like we’ve had no heavy hitters this gen, even 3rd party AAA games have been average at best. I guess the only hope I have left is with Gears 6, but aside from that, Microsoft needs to get their act together and start releasing some new games. It feels like games are taking way too long to make these days, we used to get bangers every year in the 360 gen. Even the Xbox One had more compelling games than what we have now


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u/leidend22 Apr 21 '24

Development time and costs were lower and corporations still believed that making good games made more profits than making addictive live service shit.


u/MackZZilla Apr 21 '24

That, and you had an all time high in creativity. You had devs taking legit chances on games, and if it worked - great. If it didn't, they didn't scuttle the studio so the CEO could get an extra 0.25% on his stock bonus. They just didn't make a sequel to the game and moved on.

Hell, even COD during this time was S-Tier. World at War, MW1 and MW2, Black Ops - so many dope ass games that really pushed narrative boundaries.

Now it just feels like that creativity is gone, and all we are left with is the same old safe bullshit that studios know sells. No one's taking a chance anymore on new IPs, or when they do, you've got pseudo-review social media sites like IGN being overly critical and slanting public opinion on it but also turning around and praising the new COD for "really getting the gameplay right", but nevermind they've just copy pasted the same game from one template to another.


u/TryhardBernard Apr 21 '24

I miss Battlefield being good. I felt like I was playing a war movie back then. The franchise is now a shell of itself.


u/camsqualla Apr 21 '24

2042 was the first Battlefield game I couldn’t bring myself to buy. I used to be a huge fan of the series. It’s depressing, honestly.


u/Tenn_Tux Apr 21 '24

It’s a good game now and it’s fun too. I’d suggest giving it a try. Still the worst battlefield though lol


u/agonzale_08 Apr 23 '24

Just bought it used from gamestop for $5