r/XboxSeriesX Apr 20 '24

This generation has been underwhelming Discussion

I bought a Series X at launch, and can’t think of a single game that has impressed me this gen. I’m a big Halo fan, and Halo Infinite felt like a letdown. I’m a Forza fan, and Forza Motorsport felt like a massive disappointment. I was exited for Starfield, but was underwhelmed after playing it.

It just feels like we’ve had no heavy hitters this gen, even 3rd party AAA games have been average at best. I guess the only hope I have left is with Gears 6, but aside from that, Microsoft needs to get their act together and start releasing some new games. It feels like games are taking way too long to make these days, we used to get bangers every year in the 360 gen. Even the Xbox One had more compelling games than what we have now


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u/fw208 Apr 21 '24

Unfortunately ps5 is winning this gen with games.


u/Flat-Ad4902 Apr 21 '24

They definitely have more games, but they haven’t exactly been rolling out bangers either. Just feels like AAA gaming is falling apart at the seams. The industry is in a very unhealthy place.


u/TryhardBernard Apr 21 '24

PS has almost the same number of exclusives on this gen that Xbox has, it’s just that their games are way more well received and interesting. Starfield wasn’t a bad game, but it wasn’t Skyrim in space either. Meanwhile, Helldivers is dominating the discourse lately. There’s a real mismatch in exclusive quality between the consoles rn.


u/doughaway421 Apr 23 '24

Yeah. I actually like my Series X more than my PS5 as far as the box/hardware itself, but if I had to choose to give up one I'd probably keep the PS5. It just has more consistent "must have" experiences.

With my Xbox there aren't many games on it I can't also get on PS5 and the ones that are exclusive are one's I could live without. The main thing that keeps me even turning it on is the fact that Gamepass saves me from buying some games on the Playstation.


u/fw208 Apr 21 '24

I liked halo infinite and am waiting for H7. Hopefully they finish the story in the games and not in books.


u/chaosthunda5 Apr 22 '24

God of war ragnarok was absolutely a banger


u/Flat-Ad4902 Apr 22 '24

Unfortunately, that’s on ps4. I know it’s on PS5 too, but just shows how much we need to reach when it comes to finding good current gen titles.


u/chaosthunda5 Apr 22 '24

Just because its on ps4 too doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing…


u/Flat-Ad4902 Apr 22 '24

I don’t say it was a bad thing. What is it with this fuckin website and people just reading one thing and seeing something completely different? 😂