r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/Algorhythm74 Dec 04 '23

There are some fundamental issues they likely can’t change.

  • The core characters are uninteresting, bordering on unlikeable.
  • There are no real stakes that drive the narrative, thus very little emotional motivation outside of living your space fantasy.
  • Living a “space fantasy” is wasted by being a load screens simulator.
  • No real choices, you can join any faction, and Sarah Morgan is going to dislike 90% of what you do no matter what.
  • The game and graphics are dated for a 12 year life cycle (sure some vistas a pretty, but the faces and eyes…)

More content can give you more to do in the gameplay loop, but it doesn’t solve for some fundamental design decisions they made early on - which I’m not sure can be changed or undone.


u/donkdonkdo Dec 04 '23

It always blows my mind looking back at constellation and its awful characters. The whole premise easily allowed for a number of characters to be straight up evil, or at the very least neutral (we’ll do whatever it takes in the name of science and discovery!) yet apparently they’re modeled after the magic school bus.

They’re all such insanely bland goodie two shoes we might as well have teamed up with the Boy Scouts.


u/Mando177 Dec 04 '23

I remember Sarah telling me how in constellation they don’t judge what you do as long as you keep it from interfering in their work, and I was like sweet that sounds great. Then I stole a fan from a UC facility and she immediately got mad at that