r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/Canucks-1989 Dec 04 '23

I think (I could definitely be wrong) Bethesda’s weakness is they’re banking too much on nostalgia and gameplay familiarity. Their games were absolutely some of the best 10-15yrs ago, but the way those games play are meant for those older instalments. You can go back and have a fun time playing Oblivion or Skyrim, but in the back of your head you know it’s mechanics are dated (doesn’t mean you still can’t have a good time!).

The industry has evolved because players are starting to expect new baselines for their games whether it’s mechanics, gameplay, frame rates etc., and Bethesda has whiffed of all their games after Skyrim.

TLDR: Bethesda used to make some of the best games, but hasn’t evolved/grown since Fallout3/Skyrim.


u/nerdlygames Dec 04 '23

I’m not sure ES6 will be any different unfortunately. Maybe it’s time Obsidian took over


u/Sexyvette07 Dec 04 '23

I'd be really surprised if TES6 ends up being as good as Skyrim. Though, I think if it's not, Bethesda is gonna lose all credibility and fade from existence, so they're gonna have to come up with something good.

Or maybe I'm wrong and they'll ride the coattails of all the people who pre-ordered Starfield. I mean, they probably made a massive amount of money on this mediocre game.


u/nerdlygames Dec 04 '23

I guess I’m saying it needs to be better than that. Skyrim was great for its time but Bethesda have been beating that horse for too long now and need to innovate like everyone else has