r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/sw201444 Dec 04 '23

They’ve added two small updates. One of them was mainly to remove the chest exploit so you can’t get free money

There’s still game breaking bugs, quests that can’t be finished etc but god forbid players exploit a single player game. I stopped playing around then - about 100h, didn’t finish main quest, felt I saw all the game had to offer.

Back to my Skyrim/Fallout NV/4 cave I go


u/drewbles82 Dec 04 '23

its a massive game...its going to take time to fix things. I've played over 200hrs myself and not had an issue but everyone is different. I'm just going by how this stuff usually goes...DLC takes time and its not like their going to just move on from this. Yeah their working on ES6 but they got plans for this game for a while yet. Not everything can be sorted day 1, every company is different...Cyberpunk took over a year to become any good for a lot of people and their still working on more updates


u/BluePhoenix0011 Dec 04 '23

its a massive game...its going to take time to fix things

I think the reason a lot of people are frustrated with Bethesda's post launch support is two things tbh.

  1. Lack of Communication
  2. Speed of Updates

Both of these are severely lacking from a studio as big and as experienced as BGS, with a large number of resources (monetary, personnel size, Xbox resources on-hand, marketing, etc)

Compare this to BG3 (yes I know many people are sick of hearing it, but humor me for a sec).

Their 5th major patch just dropped Nov 30th. It was a 29gb patch:

  • completed overhauled the epilogue and added an entirely new playable section
  • added 3000 lines of dialogue
  • overhauled inv management in camp
  • two new difficulty game modes (one is fully custom sandbox)
  • Allows certain playthroughs access to a formerly exclusive companion
  • Manyyyy balance changes, performance improvements, bug fixes, animation improvement, rescripting/rewriting major companion scenes, etc

Literally just click the link I sent and scroll down really fast to get a sense of scale lol (be warned major story spoilers in patch notes so just scroll very fast)

You'd think this would be the first major patch? But nope, Patch 4 dropped Nov 4th and was equally chunky.

That's why people are frustrated, it's hard to use the "it's a big game" excuse anymore when direct competitors of comparable game-size who launched around the same time are running laps around them.

Especially when BGS has a bad track record of post-launch support. Usually they drop a couple DLC, and don't fix many of the most common complaints/issues with the game. (Look at Skyrim).


u/drewbles82 Dec 04 '23

They've had like 3 updates since the release...these things take time and what helps them even better is people reporting the bugs they find. If they start changing things, it has to go through a lot of testing before being added to the update.

I'm mainly going about how they've always been...like from the days of Fallout 3...I avoided buying any of the games day one as they updates happens for months and months, then DLC, with more updates and that went on for well over a year. My friend bought that game day and the DLC and constantly had issues with bugs. I got the GOTYE and never had an issue.

Could be a million different reasons why one or several company are quicker at all this than BGS...a lot are probably now working solely on ES6, another load on the DLC and the smallest team of them is likely the ones doing the bugs and updates...it sucks but the game works, its playable, tons to do...Skyrim wasn't perfect for a while either