r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/bunch_of_hocus_pocus Dec 04 '23

Understandable, when your next game won't release for another 12 years.


u/c_will Dec 04 '23

Honestly, I think Starfield is going to need a "Cyberpunk 2.0" style update (maybe two) if it really wants to be a 12 year game.

The Phantom Liberty expansion and 2.0 update for Cyberpunk dropped shortly after Starfield was released. I had played maybe 5 or so hours of Starfield, but then moved on to Cyberpunk and put in about 60 hours into the 2.0 update and expansion.

Since then I've tried to go back to Starfield and I just can't. The game has just so many problems. And I'm not talking about bugs or glitches (although those are still around). I'm talking about core design choices and foundational issues with the game's mechanics and systems.

The UI and inventory management feel completely outdated. The talent trees are completely boring and uninteresting. Space "travel", to me, feels completely pointless given that you can't actually fly anywhere in your ship. And although I've tried to move past it, the plethora of loading screens just really kill the flow of the game for me.

I'm a huge Bethesda fan and the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games are some of my favorites ever, but Starfield was a colossal disappointment for me. I now have a total of 17 hours in the game but I'm just done and have no interest in revisiting it at this point. As I mentioned, it would take a massive expansion or 2.0 style update that overhauls everything in order for me to give it another chance.


u/Kaythar Dec 04 '23

You nailed the issues with Starfield. It's all these little things adding up, for me its really the loading screen, but I would have accepted it if there was space travel or more interesting things to see and do.


u/Useful_You_8045 Dec 07 '23

Every problem I have leads into another problem. like you could go from "outpost building is horrible" to "why tf can't I buy a ship with guns"

And the best advice I've seen from literally everyone who defends the game is just to ignore all of it and play it like it's the only game you've played in years and you'll enjoy it. Even ignore how delusional the dev responses are and how some of them have actually stated that they didn't care about quality. Like they compared legitimately landing on the moon to their game... Please tell me that Bethesda is just super lax about cannabis during work hours.