r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/Algorhythm74 Dec 04 '23

There are some fundamental issues they likely can’t change.

  • The core characters are uninteresting, bordering on unlikeable.
  • There are no real stakes that drive the narrative, thus very little emotional motivation outside of living your space fantasy.
  • Living a “space fantasy” is wasted by being a load screens simulator.
  • No real choices, you can join any faction, and Sarah Morgan is going to dislike 90% of what you do no matter what.
  • The game and graphics are dated for a 12 year life cycle (sure some vistas a pretty, but the faces and eyes…)

More content can give you more to do in the gameplay loop, but it doesn’t solve for some fundamental design decisions they made early on - which I’m not sure can be changed or undone.


u/Kreason95 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

I don’t disagree with most of your points and I’m definitely not a starfield apologist (it is mid as hell). That being said, the first couple point can definitely be changed. They’ve historically done new set pieces and a new cast for most of their major DLCs. The fourth would also be included in this.

The third point probably can’t be and it’s the biggest issue in my opinion. I also don’t necessarily think the game has bad graphics at all and most games that have such a long lifespan get graphical updates over the course of their life.

I’m doubtful that they’ll make this game last that long but I am hopeful that they’ll at least get it to a point where it’s a very good game. We’ll have to wait and see.


u/Algorhythm74 Dec 04 '23

I hope so too. My intent was not to trash it, I wanted to love the game so badly. I’m the guy that got the controller, the headset, the early access, and even the series skin.

But I’m also not gonna be an apologist, I’m gonna call it as I see it – and this game just doesn’t hit or resonate in the way not only do I think it should based on the previous games, but in the marketplace today, with some games that are doing some amazing stuff.

It really dawned on me when I re-watched interstellar the other week. Clearly, that was an inspiration, and while I don’t think they should copy it – Starfield should be its own thing, it became super clear to me that there’s no drive or any real emotional stakes in Starfield. Interstellar was a deep moving emotional movie about a father and a daughter, and used space in the concept of time in an interesting way – I was engaged.

Starfield Seems to try to go there, but the mix of voice performance, no impending threat, and wonky graphics. Just creates a disconnect. If every character in constellation died, would shrug my shoulders and go well that’s a relief now I could really go do what I wanna do.


u/Kreason95 Dec 04 '23

I totally agree. I love Bethesda games but I’m pretty bummed by how fast starfield lost my interest. I obviously want to enjoy it. I hope I can one day