r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/RMoCGLD Dec 04 '23

Skyrim was lightning in a bottle. So many things made that game special to so many people and I don't think Bethesda are gonna be able to replicate the success of it again.


u/Left4Jed2 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

I disagree. The work that was put in Morrowind then Oblivion, Skyrim was easily going to be a great game. With the improvements they made to Oblivion and how easy it is to pick up/get into... word of mouth spread and boom!

Problem is we have waited TOO long for the next elder scrolls single player game, expectation of the new game will be too great.


u/marbanasin Dec 04 '23

I loved Starfield, but the valid criticism I've seen is that it really feels like a hyper polished game from 5-7 years ago.

Returning to Elder Scrolls - Bethesda was setting the bar with those games. But now that they've been away for 13 years or whatever from Skyrim I'm just not sure they can as seamlessly intercept the current cutting edge.

For me, I still really dug the structure and vibe of Starfield. There were some bugs that took away from the experience but it also completely pulled me into 150+ hours in about 8 weeks which is unheard of for me. But I'm also not sure if they continue producing for the past gamer rather than the future that they'll be financially viable on 5-6 year dev cycles.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/marbanasin Dec 04 '23

Yeah I was gonna say - I think it's probably useful for a creative studio to at least have an outlet for ideas they want to explore, which could maybe help them either trial stuff for the core brands, or even just give a healthy break so they can return to the drawing board a bit refreshed after spending like 20 years on just 2 IP.

So I do hope both Fallout and Starfield have helped them hone their strengths and realize some of their weaknesses.