r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/EyeBumGaze808 Dec 04 '23

Got bored before i finished it.

Deleted to make room,cost me nothing and already forgot about it.


u/Pristinejake Dec 04 '23

Not me I love the game. I found no man’s sky to be boring after a while cuz there was no one to talk to. There was a lot of stuff to read but I wanted to talk to people. Love the exploration in no man’s sky but Star field not only has places to explore but you meet and talk to people along the way. I love it


u/LightningYu Dec 04 '23

I feel like the biggest issue Starfield has is that firstly, bethesda either purposefully or out of incompetence did market the Game in the wrong direction. The way they showcased the Game and even how they worded their features (in a rather vague way if you think about it) i kinda feared it would be too much no mans sky and not enough bethesda, ironically it's the exact opposite.

Secondly even for what they aim for, which personally find conceptually even good, not every modern Sci-Fi Games need open-space-exploration and whatever, you can go the classic route and make it travel in between with "loading-screens" and use the space-element for some sidestuff, like some space-fights and such, but make it intiutive, make it fun.

Especially if we come to the whole how questing and worlds act in this game. I've absolutely no issue with having 990 out of 1000 Planets being random-gen and mostly empty for various stuff like have enough space for the radiant/random quest, (which i by the way love like the bounties, finally a game where you really feel like a bounty hunter because it doesn't feel as narrative-driven and scripted, though it still bothers me that you can't capture them alive), outposts and potentially modding. BUT atleast make 10 of them properly handcrafted, with focus on narrative and exploration and not an empty mess outside of the city itself. (by the way traversing would be another thing to tackle)

And same goes for quest-system - why do some quest exist like "bring me a beer across from the galaxy" AS A QUEST... why couldn't that be some sort of interaction based on the player... like a npc mention something, and you do it on your own agenda and not because it's a quest. I mean they were clever enought o split off the radiant quest to the missionsboard you place, why can't they do the same for the rest.

Anyway that being said, and i don't care about how people react to that, i still was surprised by starfield, i still liked / loved the game and is for me personally even the second best bethesda game after skyrim so far (and inb4 - i play bethesda games since Morrowind... only the og classics i never geniunly touched like daggerfall or arena). It still frustrates me that this two specific issues exists... misleading marketing and while conceptually cool some weird/bad design-decisions or how they implemented it.