r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/SnooMachines8480 Dec 26 '23

I'm sorry, if you play a game, any game, for a 100+ hours and rate it a 1/10, what's wrong with you?

Like the game was good enough for you to pour a 100 hours in? Were you sitting there going, AH SHOOT I HATE THIS GAME IT SUCKS LET ME JUST KEEP PLAYING IT for 90 hours straight?

Like be real, if you spend even 25 hours on a game it definitely means its at least a decent game. At least a 5/10 regardless. A 1/10 would mean the game is so bad it's unplayable to you.

I see some people saying "Oh I got bored 50 hours in, so the game sucks" and I'm so confused was the expectation that you get 1000 hours without getting bored? The vast majority of players aren't pouring thousands of hours into these games? The average amount of hours a skyrim player has across its player base is 75.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Dec 26 '23

i'm sorry, but are you like the ghost of christmas past? why would you come to a post thats over a month old and regurgitate arguments that have been discussed a thousand times, since then? how did you even end up here? do you think i want to discuss this with you? nobody else will read this.


u/SnooMachines8480 Dec 26 '23

Regurgitated arguments? I don't see any. I brought it up because I haven't seen anyone else say it.