r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/Happy-Viper Nov 20 '23

No one’s hating Starfield because they’re mad over a past game, lmao, it’s just a game that’s worse than it’s predecessors in almost every element.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23



u/Swolyguacomole Nov 20 '23

Enemy AI is god awful still. Also improving on graphics is not much of a accomplishment. Gunplay is fine but not great

Also the story, the one redeeming element of bethesda games is terrible. Besides there's not a lot of freedom anymore, it's a sandbox without the appealing elements. Let me just load my way from one planet to the next without ever wanting to discover anything.


u/Eglwyswrw Nov 20 '23

Enemy AI is god awful still.

It is markedly superior to previous Bethesda games.

Also improving on graphics is not much of a accomplishment.

That's moving the goalposts. So Starfield has made no positive progress compared to past games, except where it did? Sounds like bullshit.

Gunplay is fine but not great

It feels great to me, best I ever saw in a RPG since Cyberpunk. Gunplay is better than Fallout 4 and that's the point.

the story, the one redeeming element of bethesda games

Man this anti-Starfield circlejerk is so annoying. Are you fucking kidding me? Bethesda games, redeemed by their story? Why are folk inventing stuff is beyond me.

The ONLY Bethesda game with a passable story was Morrowind. Arena, Daggerfall, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4, each and every one of those have the most cliche-ridden stories one could think of. Starfield improved a lot on the quality of side quests writing-wise, some are superb, but mostly follows the safe playbook.

"I cried after that one quest in Skyrim", said no one ever.

Bethesda games became icons due to their unique commitment to sandbox freedom + moddability.

there's not a lot of freedom anymore

There is a lot of freedom there mate... sigh


u/Myrmecomorphous Nov 21 '23

"Terminally online nerd yells at cloud"


u/Eglwyswrw Nov 21 '23

Wait a minute, I know you! You are u/Myrmecomorphous, the infamous troll who has a habit of speaking shit and whose every two comments resorts to cheap trolling.

Man you are basically a celebrity. Glad to see Starfield has caught your eye!