r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/AuthoritarianSex Nov 20 '23

Critic reviews at launch were, user reviews on steam and other platforms are approaching mixed territory


u/UnHoly_One Nov 20 '23

User reviews aren’t worth the bandwidth you use reading them.


u/sittingmongoose Founder Nov 20 '23

Even people in the starfield sub are pretty mixed on it. Nearly every comment is, I liked it at first but now I’m bored. And that’s a sub dedicated to it.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

The starfield sub, haha. Come on mate.

Its rife with fucking losers who spend their time stalking the sub of a game they claim to hate.

It was flooded in the 2 weeks prior to launch, numbers flew up sharply. Probably just full of angry PS kids and MS haters.

Much of the negativity, especially shortly after launch was from people who hadn't even played the game.

Its fucking bonkers. People have watched streamers, then written full on review posts.

The problem with Starfield is not that it isn't a great game.

The problem with Starfield is many people assumed they would love it, purely because of the hype.

So they didn't actually manage expectations for anything about the actual reality of the game.

It was clearly going to be like all the other Bethesda games, but in space with a spaceship and lots of planets. Which for some people, is amazing. For some not so much. Fine, fuck off move on.

It was fucking obvious they hadn't reinvented the wheel for anyone who watched any of the gameplay videos.

So many fucking morons now in the gaming "world", i miss the days when it was niche and not every fucking pleb with a smartphone had a 2 page opinion for a game they played for 2 hours, acting like it was life or death.

Starfield sub is absolutely chock full of them.