r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/DustAdept Nov 20 '23

Sure. The DLC won't be on game pass so why not?


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

the DLC alone will probably still be cheaper than the whatever-the-fuck edition, though. I paid it even with gamepass, but it was cos the early access lined up with a near empty work week, while the launch week for me was packed, so I just wanted to play :D


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

i made the same math, thinking it will be a great game, so buying the DLC would be a nobrainer anyway.

i expected Skyrim or Fallout (not76) levels of entertainment, and i feel like an absolute tool now. i hate that i own that DLC, i just want to forget that shitty game, but now i will have to revisit it in 2024...


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

It'll be good one day at least it launched in a playable state. Did you also forget cyberpunk when it launched in a completely unplayable State missing almost every feature that they promised and then canceled every single feature that they had promised except a single DLC? I'm sure after a couple of years Starfield will be given the title of one of the greatest RPGs of all time.


u/Happy-Viper Nov 20 '23

When Cyberpunk came out, it was an awesome world with a great story and cool characters, but endless bugs and so-so gameplay.

They could fix the bugs, and fix the gameplay, but Starfield at its core is dogshit.

The world is bad, the characters are bad, the quest lines are bad… even if they fix gameplay and bugs, that doesn’t leave a good game.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

cyberpunk was way worse for last gen console players. i played it day one on pc and it was allright. of course playing it now after the latest patches, transformed the whole game.

i don't think Bethesda has the capabilities to pull off something like this.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

Thats pretty ignorant to say, they absolutely do. Cyberpunk launched in a completely unfinished state, they had to add vehicular Combat 3 years after when it was promised on launch. They canceled almost every single major update for the game and head to focus on rebuilding the entire thing. The RPG system was complete trash on lunch. They had to update the police system as well because that system just had NPCs literally spawning in front of you. The game was only stable on very specific hardware. Batista absolutely has the capabilities to pull off making Starfield one of the greatest RPGs of all time, and it will have a much more robust modding feature set then cyberpunk could ever hope to have. Cyberpunks current modding features are extremely lackluster and boil down to custom skins on guns and cars.


u/etoile-de-merde Nov 20 '23

Man, I loved Batista when I was a kid, he was one of my favorite wrestlers. But I don't think he works on Starfield.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

LOL I'm using speech to text and I don't think Google knows what Batista is


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

i see this still bothers you a lot...lets see how bethesda does in two years time.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

It doesnt bother me, just ignorant to say bethesda cant make a great rpg. They made morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, fo3/4... they have made a lot of great rpgs... ignorant to say they are incapable regardless of your asinine opinion.

Why 2 years? You use different standard for cdpr and bethesda?


u/SabresFanWC Nov 20 '23

Not liking this "Wait until 2-3 years after launch and the game will be good" trend.


u/cardonator Craig Nov 20 '23

LOL imagine saying this with how present Starfield is in the heads of people that disliked it.


u/Happy-Viper Nov 20 '23

When Cyberpunk came out, it was an awesome world with a great story and cool characters, but endless bugs and so-so gameplay.

They could fix the bugs, and fix the gameplay, but Starfield at its core is dogshit.

The world is bad, the characters are bad, the quest lines are bad… even if they fix gameplay and bugs, that doesn’t leave a good game.

The idea that it’d be the greatest RPG? I mean, it’s laughable.