r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/fallouthirteen Nov 20 '23

I mean yeah, they presold the first DLC didn't they (part of the whatever-the-fuck edition)?


u/Verbal_Combat Nov 20 '23

Yep a lot of people bought the upgrade even though they have gamepass because it also included a few days early access


u/Marinlik Nov 20 '23

Yeah I was one of those idiots. Played 20h the first week or two. Tried playing twice since and it's just too boring. Don't have any interest in every playing it again. There's just too many really good games out there to spend a lot of time playing something mediocre


u/8BallsGarage Nov 20 '23

Literally the view of everyone who succumbed to the skyrim hype eventually.

Its a big world. Lots of missions. Lots of direction to take your character but a hellovalot going on.

They tried to do that with starfield. It is , as they say, skyrim in space.


u/Steve_Cage Nov 21 '23

I feel like that's what people wanted, a modern updated Skyrim in space but all we got was 2011 Skyrim in space. The creation engine is the culprit, it's aged very poorly, and what's worse is they're using that same engine for Elder Scrolls 6.


u/8BallsGarage Nov 21 '23 edited Nov 21 '23

It is rather sad. One could only hope they'd have used an updated engine. Like what we wanted in skyrim. The latter few years.

It certainly wasn't what starfield was. That was where humanity went in the aftermath of fo4. Had they, the tech to do so

Is my mentality of it all anyways.

Starfield is more fallout 4 in space than anything


u/Macattack224 Nov 21 '23

But if we compare it to game like outer worlds which does use a "modern engine" of Unreal 4, does it really feel that different?

My point is that the engine may not be the issue.

I like the game but, I think not having that connectivity between the world, your ship and space is a letdown. Too much moving around with loading screens unlike how say no man's sky handles it was kind of disappointing. Apples and oranges but that is a feature that would have been cool.


u/8BallsGarage Nov 21 '23

That was essentially what I meant. To have that 'next gen' but less akin to console, as we mostly mean it, and more within the engine that defined it.