r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/DustAdept Nov 20 '23

Sure. The DLC won't be on game pass so why not?


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

the DLC alone will probably still be cheaper than the whatever-the-fuck edition, though. I paid it even with gamepass, but it was cos the early access lined up with a near empty work week, while the launch week for me was packed, so I just wanted to play :D


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

i made the same math, thinking it will be a great game, so buying the DLC would be a nobrainer anyway.

i expected Skyrim or Fallout (not76) levels of entertainment, and i feel like an absolute tool now. i hate that i own that DLC, i just want to forget that shitty game, but now i will have to revisit it in 2024...


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

Sorry you feel that way. I really enjoyed the game but I agree in the sense that I feel Skyrim probably has way more replayability. That said, in 3 different tries Skyrim never entertained me while Starfield I gobbled up fast.

I definitely got my moneys worth and then some. I still have things to do with base game, but its always the same with me that competing main story usually leads me to drop the game for a long time. Might finish The base game stuff after the DLC pulls me back in for sure


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

i think the copy paste POIs are an insult. I don't care about the 25€ i paid for early access/dlc, i fucking hate that i wasted my time with that game. i played main story and factions, and avoided all exploration, because its so pointless.

everything beside the main path is terrible


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

I definitely agree about that one which is why I've just ignored them for the most parts. It's why I dont feel there is as much replayability as with the other games mentioned.

However I think the main story, all the bigger side stories and even most smaller side quests (basically just do everything that isnt procedurally generated) is still an easy 100 hours played and I think I've been to "same god damn base" only a few times early on when exploring before giving up on that.

Should've at least made the story POIs unique and then random POIs their own thing, with some algorithm that it at least rotates you through everything you havnt seen yet before giving the same cryo lab 4 times in a row.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

time played is not a good measure for quality, and honestly i find the statement of getting your moneys worth very silly. i say it again, i wish i had played it less, than i actually did


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

And you are free to feel that way, but its easy to look around and see most dont share that sentiment.

In general hours played isnt a good measure of much, but I regardless enjoyed what I played. Its why ive played Skyrim 10-15 hours three different times. It wasnt fun to me so I stopped. I dont play games that arnt entertaining to me so with that context the hours played says something


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

i would say steam reviews dropping to mixed is a clear indicator that many do share that sentiment, in germany it sits around 3/5 on microsoft store and metacritic is pretty divided as well.

so there are many people i r/starfield that love the game, but the general consent is that it is deeply flawed and shallow


u/cardonator Craig Nov 20 '23

The Steam reviews don't mean anything. As of right now, 69% of people on Steam still recommend the game. A lot of the reviews are quite fair but some are obviously quite garbage.

It's also the number 6 most rated game of 2023 which is crazy.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

ok youre right, its goty


u/cardonator Craig Nov 20 '23

Finally, you admit what you really think!

Personally, I would rate the game an 8/10 and probably not consider it GOTY this year.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi Nov 20 '23

finally the masks come off! nothing eludes you, lover of starfield, rater of game.


u/Coreldan Nov 20 '23

Even 6 or 7 out of 10 ia far from waste of time, even if I dont think it has any chance for goty

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