r/Wellthatsucks 5d ago

Plumbers broke through this foundation to add pipes, compromising the structural support of the home.


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u/Double_Bass6957 5d ago

It’s hard for me to believe a sane coherent person did this.


u/Corsair3820 5d ago



u/Right-Many-9924 5d ago edited 5d ago

100% I was baffled trying to imagine someone normal doing this? They make 45s and 90s for a reason just go around?

However, I’ve also done speed and cocaine. I could imagine being all fired up, teeth grinding like fuck, and just smashing right through that bitch 😭


u/rockytheboulder 5d ago

That is a refreshingly honest take


u/ab_2404 2d ago

Which tradie doesn’t get on the beak or fet?


u/Boysenberry-Street 2d ago

Why would they do that, what a waste when it turns out like this example.


u/Parking_Ocelot302 4d ago

I bet being that geeked. Smashing thru a wall would make me feel like the hulk.


u/Ok-Put8034 4d ago

I'm too fat to feel like the hulk, I'd probably feel more like the Kool-aid Man.


u/Naked-Jedi 4d ago

In the same boat with carrying the extra chunk.

When I'm smashing shit, I like to think of myself as his lesser known flabby cousin The Incredible Bulk.


u/MysticScribbles 4d ago

The Incredible Chunk.


u/Pjerryy 4d ago

The Infraggable Krunk


u/ExtraChonkyMilk 4d ago

Why thank you, I've never been called incredible before.


u/Pining4Michigan 4d ago

And do you listen to Jesus playing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd while he wears a tuxedo t-shirt?


u/Artistic-Strength181 4d ago

I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party...


u/sykojaz 4d ago

Did you eventually see the sailboat?


u/Naked-Jedi 4d ago

It sank. Carrying too much chunk.


u/EmmaDrake 4d ago

Oh yeah!


u/Inertial_Ruen 4d ago



u/MR_WEBB_ 3d ago

I just about fell out my chair bahahahaha, thank you


u/Roccosrealm 3d ago

Most meth users see a drastic weight change.


u/Then_Investigator_17 2d ago

If you did speed or meth, you probably wouldn't be fat much longer


u/Quick_Team 4d ago

Got just what you need bro


u/Parking_Ocelot302 3d ago

Fight milk has everything i need after a speedball


u/Animus16 4d ago

Def bare-fist punched through that wall


u/Majestic_Bug_242 4d ago



u/YeastOverloard 4d ago

Coke really does like to cement the first idea that pops in your head


u/T46BY 4d ago

Lends itself to tunnel vision on "how do we make this work with what we got" with no consideration of just getting a few additional parts that would make it work.


u/meatloafcat819 4d ago

Thank you, you actually just made me realize why most business people can be successfully incoherent most of the time. You can’t tell them no lol


u/punksheets29 4d ago

It’s easy to break through when you’re on speed


u/I-Love-Tatertots 4d ago

I feel like I’m the only person who didn’t get the real coke experience when I tried it…

Spent a lot of money on it to try it, even bought a testing kit to make sure it was legit, and my nephew who procured it (he’s only a year younger than me, basically my second brother) was hyped up on it, and so was his stripped ex-wife….

Meanwhile I was just walking around thinking “this is like a worse version of adderall, because at least adderall makes me productive”.

I’m kind of glad though, because if I liked it too much it would have been an issue.


u/sousyre 4d ago

I read the first half of your comment and my reaction was, umm… have you perchance heard of ADHD?

Second half, nevermind. Lol.


u/I-Love-Tatertots 4d ago

Never been officially diagnosed, been meaning to do it but keep putting it off... Used to have someone who got 90 each month and would give me 30... COVID took her unfortunately :(


u/sousyre 3d ago

That really sucks, sorry for your loss.

Good luck with the diagnosis.


u/Apprehensive_Rice19 4d ago



u/Advanced_Addendum116 4d ago

Dopamine activated!


u/OneMoreYou 4d ago

💡, cheers


u/T46BY 4d ago

Like if it was some amateur job like I've experienced fixing my Dad's shit I could kind of understand it without the meth, but if you actually paid some "professional" to do this other than meth I don't know how this is possible...prions?


u/Gadgetmouse12 4d ago

In the nobody will look category


u/JustYourAverageStoyd 4d ago

This is one of the best things I've ever read.


u/Max____H 4d ago

Either that or upset with the house owner, I’ve seen some fun work done by upset tradesmen. I was working on a shutdown at an oil refinery and hear my site supervisor just lose his shit laughing for like a solid 10 minutes. He stops our entire crew and has a meeting just because he found it so funny and wanted to share the story. Apparently on the site next to ours a crew had been laid off without reason but still contractually had to finish the job they were on so the entire crew ignored their drawings and just started randomly welding pipes to each other. The new crew came in and done an initial site inspection and about 700m of pipe work looked to be in the right place until he looked closer and found it just does a full circle of the site then joins back to the start again.


u/Accomplished_Load984 3d ago

I could read story's like this all day long


u/Reddenxx 4d ago

This shit making me laugh broo


u/hummelpz4 4d ago

To cheap to rent a core drill.


u/Altruistic-Good-633 4d ago

I suddenly have a new understanding of the Kool aid man just busting through walls all through the 90's. That makes so much sense now!! Truly thank you for your insight.


u/River2DC 4d ago

Fuck this cinder block and its whole existence... Jimmy give me the jack hammer we goin in... sniff sniff


u/Vociferate 4d ago

I read this and was audibly laughing.

I use to work with a Mechanical Fitter who was a lifestyle meth user. (We worked 3 weeks on 3 weeks off).

And on our RnR, he would do some side jobs. Geared up, and off his gourd. I can 100% see him using the same thought process. SMASH REH BITCH! LET'S GOOOO!

Hope you're OK Mickey! Gifted fitter, loves the drugs.


u/DeBomb123 4d ago

There’s a lot specific plumbing code for routing and the amount of offsets you can use and the sloping of the pipe. Could explain why they don’t go around but if you’re going to go through a wall you core drill it and not hit it with a sledge hammer 😂


u/IceFire909 4d ago

Punching or eating through?


u/K1NGEDDY423 4d ago

Bro same here. I did alot of drugs in my life, but I haven't gone to these extents lmao. But ye I have done alot of dumb shit


u/Crayons4all 4d ago

Those just help you make bad choices at a faster pace then normal. At least for me


u/Fickle-Act1200 4d ago

Only on Reddit could you find someone who has enough plumbing experience to understand why this should not have happened AND enough drug experience to understand why it did. Thanks for the insight! Lol


u/Apprehensive_Ask_259 4d ago

Not only doing it high on meth is a likely scenario but also believing what youve just done was a stroke of genius. Meth is horrible but in the moment youre king of the world.


u/InTheBlkHoodie 4d ago

The first part I was like “yeah”, second part I was like “woah”


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 4d ago

I just flashed on that scene from Breaking Bad where they're digging holes in the yard, lol.



u/Progresschmogress 3d ago

No way I’m going to Home Depot and back, hand me that sledgehammer I’ll make it quick

Meth logic


u/Hege98 3d ago

it comes back like in 2 meters why would you go around if it is not needed?


u/AntonChigurhWasHere 2d ago

Is this my brother in law?


u/irresponsibleshaft42 2d ago

I feel like the added paranoia would have me freaking out about clogged pipes with the bends too sharp so id come to the "logical" decision of making holes to achive maximum laminar flow lol


u/forsurebros 1d ago

That escalated quickly.


u/T46BY 4d ago

That's honestly a pretty reasonable answer, because this entirely looks like people who can plumb a bit but have no concept of adaptation or nuance other than how can we make it work with what we have and not just get a couple fucking 90 degree elbows.


u/Corsair3820 4d ago

They wanted to get the job done as fast as possible so they could go home and do more meth.


u/PoOhNanix 4d ago

You can just smoke meth in the truck tho I don't see the rush 🤨


u/T46BY 4d ago

That ain't a thin concrete wall though, but then there is the meth...


u/Webbyx01 4d ago

Nah, they're just laser focused on the project. You often lose a lot of situational awareness and the ability to come up with more nuanced solutions.


u/espo323 4d ago

Crazy part is it almost looks like they literally could have avoided the wall using the exact same fittings just arranged differently lmfao.


u/Double_Bass6957 5d ago


u/Efficient-Taro-5138 1d ago

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


u/Nrmlgirl777 4d ago

Meth-ods of mass destruction


u/Corsair3820 4d ago

they be hitten' pipes and then hitten' hammers


u/Nrmlgirl777 4d ago

“Theres drugs in them there walls!“


u/Nrmlgirl777 4d ago

See also “Methheads of Mass Destruction “


u/FarmTeam 4d ago

Meth plus dynamite?


u/T46BY 4d ago

Probably a brick and a screwdriver considering the meth.


u/_nosprses 4d ago

LOL A methed up AC guy stomped two holes in our ceiling. Then he asked me to make him some sweet tea.


u/belleayreski2 4d ago

Or Kool-Aid


u/Safe-Indication-1137 4d ago

This is what I was thinking too.... busting through that wall while being in that crawlspace is TOTALLY FUCKING HARD to do


u/llort_tsoper 4d ago

You've never worked in construction if you don't believe that one trade would create days of unnecessary work for another discipline to save themselves a two hour round trip to go get the right parts or tools.


u/unstable_tits 4d ago

Yummy 😋


u/wonkey_monkey 4d ago

Yeth, they've made a right meth of it


u/Pmoe_97 4d ago

Drugs are a hell of a drug


u/Disastrous_Clothes37 4d ago

That’s methed up


u/Plus_Helicopter_8632 4d ago

Meth his name or you want some too?


u/Luci_Noir 4d ago

Reddit thinks everything is drugs.


u/Old_Asparagus_8895 4d ago

No, stupidity.


u/captain_pudding 3d ago

Probably did the whole thing with a claw hammer


u/sneakydante 2d ago

That’s right! It is methed up under there, good eye


u/Panchenima 5d ago edited 4d ago

Here in Chile we had worse not long ago, a woman made a hole in a structural wall on the 4 floor of a, I belive, 16 floor building compormising the safety of the whole construction, was sued, the fix was deemed to cost around 60k usd



u/crofabulousss 4d ago

For what purpose?


u/Panchenima 4d ago

she wanted to extend the kitchen and close part of the balcony. or something on those lines, the news outletes weren't very specific on that line.


u/Nasa_OK 4d ago

I mean that doesn’t seem worse, atleast she actually hat a legit reason (a very dumb one) but she and a reason to break through the wall since what she wanted to do could not have been achieved without doing that. Here they could have just used the hole right next to the structural support


u/MrGrieves- 4d ago

Looks like it became her garbage hole.


u/rasteri 4d ago

lol I can 100% picture an elderly relative doing this

then refusing to back down even when structural integrity was slowly explained to them


u/AlmostAShirley 3d ago

But I want it now!! It’s my deck, I can do what I want!!! Insert loud foot stomping. Those are the same people who stiff you on the bill because they don’t think what you accomplished was worth the price. No lady, you are buying my 30+ years of experience and parts 😠


u/Alarmed_Ad4367 1d ago



u/Truckyou666 5d ago

How many plumbers do you hang around with?


u/Double_Bass6957 5d ago

I feel like this is a trick question. But I personally know about 20 and hang out with about 3-4 of them


u/Truckyou666 5d ago edited 5d ago

Out of the 20, how many are sane and competent?


u/Double_Bass6957 5d ago

That’s not a fair question, we’re in the US military 😂


u/Truckyou666 5d ago

So when they leave the military, they magically become sane and competent? Not plumbers!


u/Double_Bass6957 5d ago

Lmao no…never said that. I have dealt with a handful of plumbers as a home owner and they weren’t terrible


u/Undalabaca 1d ago

If it's seabees the answer is none


u/Double_Bass6957 1d ago



u/Undalabaca 1d ago

Oh the fancy bougie folks.


u/Double_Bass6957 1d ago



u/Undalabaca 1d ago edited 1d ago

Well, thanks for your service. I enjoyed my time in the bees working with the Air Force guys and Marines.

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u/SweetProperty9896 5d ago

As a tradesman myself if you say over 50% I’ll know you’re lying


u/Truckyou666 5d ago

Throw sober in there, and that really throws a monkey wrench in everything!


u/WhoAreWeEven 4d ago

Its oxymoron, right


u/PenultimatePotatoe 4d ago

I've never really thought about this, but sane and competent don't go together with plumbers. I know some that are good but they are weird people.


u/Megelsen 4d ago

My dad's best friend is a plumber and I've worked with him and his crew a lot during summer holidays and such, all great people, sometimes the occasional brick. I think this here is a special case of "fuck it he will never notice and I'm off to the dispensary/bar/pipe/needle quicker.


u/DrBarnaby 5d ago

It's a good thing they made sure to use a licensed and bonded contractor for the job! ...right? Right???


u/T46BY 4d ago

Look buddy...Skeeter is a professional...


u/nmpls 4d ago

A professional what?


u/T46BY 4d ago

Look it's not his fault he saw concrete and thought he could get some free rock...nobody recommends his lifestyle but you don't have to be rude about it.


u/Trollsama 2d ago

Skeeter is a plumber not a concrete layer, so lay off him.


u/Citizen_of_RockRidge 4d ago

Professional Foundation Destroyer.


u/EuroTrash1999 4d ago

Those are like $4700.00 an hr.


u/Misanthropyandme 5d ago

At least be afraid of the house crashing down on you.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/BeesOfWar 4d ago

You should have hired the electrician to install the gate


u/Black_Magic_M-66 4d ago

Not too uncommon. Watch any home building/remodel show and you'll see stuff like this all the time.


u/Double_Bass6957 4d ago

Reality tv shows don’t mean it’s real…some of that shit is staged


u/ForHelp_PressAltF4 4d ago

The non supporting hanger strap in the second photo is... Breathtaking


u/El_Chairman_Dennis 4d ago

Bad plumbers and bad electricians tend to have the mentality of "I'll run my line through here and let someone else fix it". I've seen wooden main support beams with holes in them to run wire or pipe. They do whatever gets them to their beer the fastest


u/xproofx 4d ago

Right. I will readily admit, I don't know shit about anything but I still would know not to do this.


u/No_Season_354 4d ago

A qualified plumber?.


u/T46BY 4d ago

There's no fucking way lol. I'm absolutely an amateur plumber, but I just had to get pretty invested in some shit at my Dad's house and got a bit of a 101 course in this stuff...I literally only got done fixing that shit on Saturday. The way the pipe is supported in the first image if fucking laughable, and I know that despite not dealing with a run of pipe that required support. Also I'm assuming these idiots never heard of a 90 degree elbow. What pipe did they lay that would have been so inconvenient to simply remove and replace that they chose to start busting holes in a concrete foundation? It's like a trip to the hardware store and 5 minutes with some glue and sawzall.


u/moose2mouse 4d ago

I bet the plumber was insured and it’ll all be fine /s


u/NoBuenoAtAll 4d ago

Have you met contractors?


u/ggtsu_00 4d ago



u/eugene20 4d ago

I concur, this is insane.


u/XkrNYFRUYj 4d ago

Yeah exactly. This house could've come down on their head while they're doing this


u/DaubstickFarbspinkle 4d ago

What makes you think your average tradesman would be sane or coherent?


u/Mundane-Ad-2346 4d ago

I guess core drill was out of the question


u/00Laser 4d ago

Especially since I can hardly imagine it would take less effort to create that hole than going around through the opening that's already there.


u/rugbysecondrow 4d ago

Somebody hired the cheapest contractor they could find...this is what they got.


u/Ricky_Rollin 4d ago

I wish I could say this right next to you, buddy, but over the past 10 years it does not seem to matter how much money I give a work crew, I come back to shit just like this.


u/NMDA01 4d ago

It's a person who doesn't care. Why is that so hard to believe


u/exhausted1teacher 4d ago

He said they were plumbers. 


u/PiliFace 4d ago

Well yeah, it was a plumber


u/Immediate-Badger-410 4d ago

Nope. I can easily see it. They're the type of people who go in do their job and do any means to get the money out of your hand even if it's shady. I've seen it way more than you think. It's not that they're bad but it's more it's not their problem if they don't get caught.


u/Renewable-Spirit 4d ago

Actually, this is extremely common. A lot of homes with this style of foundation, very common in Tennessee, used shit quality bricks combined with the ground shifting which weaken the breaks to the point that barely touching them causes them to shatter like glass.. You go to drill into the brick with proper tools and bits, and a 2 x 2 area just shatters. I'm not saying your plumbers weren't at fault, but that this type of thing happens so often that the fix for it is pretty standard. Ask the plumbers to rent a jack, lift the floor, and reinforce it. If they refuse, then give them an ultimatum: fix their fuck up or you will hire someone to do it and they can pay for it.

You could also do it yourself and bill them for it, maybe even get the plumbing work for free if they want to be dicks about it. I've done it many times, it is nothing to it, I promise you. It just looks intimidating.


u/Background-Berry9482 4d ago

...and we have to breathe the same oxygen with these people. Smh


u/Fursnek 2d ago

Someone probably "knew a guy who could do it cheap"


u/BalancedChaos22 1d ago

A true Fuck It moment


u/Songrot 5d ago

I have heard that in America there isn't as much of an education and exam path for tradesman and a lot of people who do that job are autodidacts or learnt it by just working somewhere with no way to know if they learn shit


u/Sudden_Emu_6230 2d ago

You gotta change your fit bro