r/TheHandmaidsTale 14h ago

RANT Me watching Serena being subjected to a tiny portion of hell that she put June through.

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r/TheHandmaidsTale 13h ago

Question Ear ID tag


When June finally made it to Canada, why didn't she have her ID tag removed from her ear immediately? When she escaped while pregnant, she cut it out so I don't understand why she made it to a place where she could have it removed much less painfully she didn't. Any thoughts?

r/TheHandmaidsTale 11h ago

Question What happened to the Native Americans?


I don't recall reading about what happened to them in the book, nor have I seen them in the series. Were they all killed during the war, or were the men captured and killed and the women turned into Handmaids/Martha's? I doubt they would go down without a fight.

r/TheHandmaidsTale 9h ago

Speculation What would American companies do after the creation of Gilead?


In Season 4 we see a grocery store after June arrives in Canada. I made a post a few days ago asking about a brand of water we see there which gives June flashbacks to Gilead and she has a little bit of an almost-breakdown. However, something else I was thinking about with the grocery store is how we see that a lot of brands still exist, like if I remember right there's Pepsi and a bunch a cereal brands on the shelves.

It had me wondering, how do you guys think big American companies would react to the Sons of Jacob taking over, and also how they would continue to operate after Gilead?

It seems like Gilead itself has effectively a command economy. There's not really any branded food or anything around Gilead. Tbh I think the only brand we see consistently is Mercedes and one can assume that those would have just been vehicles already built and ready to drive in the US that the government commandeered.

I suppose a lot of big companies already have offices in other countries and so would have just switched their major operations to a different branch and continued running from there?

But I also wonder if maybe some companies would've helped their employees escape the US as it became Gilead by doing stuff like transferring them to overseas branches so they could get visas to leave and stuff like that.

r/TheHandmaidsTale 7h ago

Question Post Gilead question


I know there is a scene at the end of the first book where they are at a university discussing Gilead but I’m wondering if America came back after Gilead fell?

  • Did they elect a new president?

  • Did they reinstate the constitution or write a new one?

  • Did they arrest the commanders and put them on trial for war crimes?

  • How did they rebuild?

r/TheHandmaidsTale 8h ago

Question Just finished S2E1 and I have a question about the rest of the show


I really liked season 1 for the cinematography and actors but the fact that there are 4 more seasons and one more coming is off putting to me. I’m honestly not sure if I can take more scenes of torture of the handmaids and the cruelty of the Gilead lol. I liked the ending of season 1 and would’ve been more then fine with the show ending like that. But seeing June start her run was very satisfying.

My question is, is the show gonna go downhill from now? I have a feeling that it’s really hard to navigate a show like this with so many seasons especially if the book contains just the first season. Also, I don’t think I can take June going back for Hannah or worse - getting caught now. Should I save myself from continuing? I feel so angry watching it.

r/TheHandmaidsTale 3h ago

Question Filming season 6


Do we know exactly when they will start filming S6?

r/TheHandmaidsTale 8h ago

SPOILERS S3 S3 episode 8 Unfit


Why didn't June get punished for trying to see Hannah, she planned it, yet the Martha got hanged, for Junes selfishness, also when she's sitting in centre of circle, she was being a real smart a.. and she lied about OfDaniel not wanting her baby, it was June who admitted earlier she had bad thoughts when pregnant, l really can't stand her at times

r/TheHandmaidsTale 13h ago

Question What happens to handmaids after menopause?


I assume they're being killed or sent to the colonies?

r/TheHandmaidsTale 21m ago

Politics Are we paying attention?


r/TheHandmaidsTale 17h ago

Question Do you see fertility as power?


Looking at all the different roles in the society, it seems like having fertility leaves you better off than most. June is able to get away with a lot of things. Janine is able to get away with things. Handmaids aren't sent to the colonies unless it's a last resort/infertility.

Would you agree that being a handmaid is one of the the more lenient/potentially escapable positions? I think about this way too much as it applies to current day America.